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"Audentis Fortuna iuvat." -Virgil

Fortune favors the brave.

Edward Chen was excited. He knew what piece he decided to practice and play Beethoven's spring sonata. It made sense that it was the piece because his father died during spring, a beautiful season. He was inspired by Brett's playing from at least a year ago. He decided to make it a bit more sadder than Brett did. He wanted the piece to symbolize his longing and grief for his dad.

He wanted to change his tone color by playing the beginning cheerily and it slowly gets a bit too rough and aggressive on the last parts of the first movement. He wanted to show that not all springs were as beautiful as we thought it would be. So, he goes on the back of the room and sets his violin down.

Oh, this was also the day that Edward will ask Brett for more coaching opportunities after his other subjects. He was really just aspiring to be better for the world, to be his best when he is finally ready to show himself to the world. He wants to surpass all their expectations the same way Brett Yang does with all of them.

After listening to the other's performances, Edward was getting a bit nervous. It was like his heartbeat was at a presto pace. It was now his turn. He walked to the front and placed the violin under his chin.

He starts off happy and bouncy, you could almost picture the flowers bloom and the sun shining down on the ground evenly. The breeze was cool on your skin and the birds are chirping. Then, by the second recapitulation of the introduction, it turns sadder and the tone is lingering so much more than before. It was just as beautiful as you could imagine it.

Brett Yang felt moved by his performance. It was a very good one in terms of tone colors but he could see a few things to change with his technique. He could see this student become a performer that will be very well-known. His legacy will live on beyond his lifetime. He just needs to expand on his capabilities.

When Edward finished, Brett Yang gave his criticism. It was more about how he should expand his bowing technique. His posture could be better, too. Brett started to discuss the next thing that would be good for their technique.

"Since we already did a simple performance on tone colors, the next thing I would want you to do is play this specific piece. It is the La Campanella from Niccolo Paganini's second violin concerto." Brett said, playing an excerpt for their reference. After playing, he set down his violin and asked a question.

"When you think of Paganini, most of you are more likely to think of spectators' words that links him with the devil. That makes his reputation as a musician, specifically a violinist, a bit tainted, does it not?" Brett asked the students. The students nodded in agreement.

"Now, my question for you. Let us say that you did not know the people's perspective of Paganini, if you looked at his compositions, what are you most likely to think?" Brett asked the students, urging for them to answer his question. A student at the very front desk raised their hand. Brett nodded to acknowledge the fact that he could answer.

"Sir, I would think that he's just like Ernst. I think they proved that they could play their hard compositions. I would think that he's just a virtuoso and not really the devil's violinist." The student, Johnson said to him.

"Now, that is true. He is a great virtuoso but he is more than that. That is why he is well-known and left a legacy. Now, you do not need to be a great virtuoso to leave a legacy on this earth but you have to be remarkable. As performers, we want to leave an imprint on this earth. The best way to do this is to give it your best every time you perform." Brett finished, his voice still monotonous but you will see a small smile on his face. Everyone agreed and smile.

Edward was smiling from ear to ear. When he saw the subtle smile from Brett Yang's lips, he felt something in his chest awaken. There is warmth coming from his stomach and it spreads throughout his entire body. He shook the feeling away and focused on how to ask Brett.

"That's it for this day. I would want to hear you play the piece by two weeks. You do not have to finish the piece when you perform it but do the best that you can. You are all now dismissed." Brett said, packing away his violin. He unwounded his bow and set it properly in its case.

Everyone was leaving the room but Edward stayed behind. Brett noticed this and gave his attention to the younger man.

"Mister Yang, I have an inquiry." Edward said, hearing his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

"What is it, Mister Chen?" Brett asked, his face and voice remaining emotionless.

"If it's fine with you, can I have after subject practice with you? If I you have time, that is." Edward said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I am glad that you have asked, Mister Chen. I would happily help you, just come here after your lessons with other professors are done. I do not know why but you are the first one to ask for one on one coaching with me." Brett said to him honestly.

"Sir, I have seen you play and I knew that you would be a great mentor for my playing. I aspire to be a soloist one day and I want to follow your footsteps." Edward said honestly.

"Is that so, Mister Chen? To be quite frank, you should not follow my footsteps but create your own. You have the potential, you just have to work on a few techniques." Brett told him, patting his shoulders a bit.

Both did not speak of it but there was a spark of electricity between their skins that had touched. Brett thought that it was simply a mistake of the universe and Edward thought that it was just his admiration. Little did they know that there might be something more than that.

"Thank you for the opportunity, Mister Yang. I really appreciate it. I have to get going now, though." Edward said, smiling at the older man.

"You're welcome, Mister Chen. I expect you tomorrow. Be ready because if you really want to be coached by me, you have to be prepared." Brett said, voice steady but less monotonous.

Edward did not say anything more. He just left the room with a smile on his face. He cannot help but ponder if there was something more about that electric feeling that he experienced when Brett touched his shoulder. He tried to shrug it off but somehow, it keeps on returning in his head. The touch is almost haunting and it brings him too much warmth. Edward tries to pay no attention to it but be glad about the fact that he's getting coached by the Brett Yang.

Brett Yang on the other side of the room, was simply breathless by what had happened. He did not think that Edward felt it but the electric sensation was still lingering on his fingertips. He did not know what it was but it felt real. He felt his stomach drop and a shiver ran down his spine. It was simply too much to handle but it was not a bad type of feeling. It was quite grounding if Brett Yang had to admit it. It made him steady on his feet.

Whatever it was, Brett needs not to overthink. Maybe it was just the happiness finally being able to coach a student personally. He wanted to make Edward Chen the performer he deserves to be. He wants him to be remembered even if he is gone. Brett does not know where this urge comes from but it is strong and it is not going away soon.

As Edward Chen walked away from the conservatory, he felt his presto heartbeat go to an allegro. He does not know why it cannot go back to its normal andante pace but he does not mind. Not one bit.

He finally had Brett Yang as a mentor and he could only hope that his hard work is enough. If he really wanted to be known, he would do what it takes to be the best performer he could be. Maybe, someday, when Brett Yang hears him play, he will think of him the same way he thought of Brett.

The thought of all that makes Eddy heart beat continuously. He felt happy knowing that there is more reason to stay alive for. That was none other than be a great performer that Brett Yang made.

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