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"Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit." -Seneca

True love will hold on to those whom it has held.

Brett Yang cannot wait to return home to Edward Chen and his, well, their children now. Brett was not yet used to calling them his children because they simply know him as their uncle. Brett and Eddy had not told his children, yet. It was hard to do, especially in times like theirs.

But Belle and Alexander had known about it. Of course, they were the first to know. The couple was happy. They had asked the couple to not document it since it would be hard for both their blossoming careers.

It was also hard since it is illegal for two men to be with each other. They had to keep it to themselves. They only had to show each other how they loved one another.

Brett timely arrived over the weekend, wherein the children were at Irene's home. It would only be him and Eddy, Brett felt the bliss run through his veins. It was now easier to care for Eddy's children because they were older now.

George was now nineteen, Jade is seventeen and Sebastian is now fourteen. They had grown quite a lot in the past ten years and so did Brett and Edward. Watching them grow up had been a great experience for the two men to see the children grow up to be wonderful children.

Brett grabbed the keys from his pocket and opened the door. To his surprise, Edward Chen was already by the door, waiting for his return. He entered the door, discarding his shoes on its respective place. Eddy closed the door and held his hand and grabbed Brett's baggage.

"It took you long enough..." Eddy chastised, chuckling lightly.

"Stop... You know I missed being just Brett Yang here." Brett said, smiling at his beloved.

"I know, love. I know... I am just glad that you are back in my arms." Eddy said, smoothly getting Brett out of his coat and jacket.

Brett did not say anything but immediately embraced Eddy. Eddy reacted by returning the touch, resting his jaw on the outline of the back of Brett's head.

"I miss you most..." Brett said, his cheek resting on the fabric of Eddy's clothing. "How are the children?" Brett added, still holding Eddy close to him.

"They are doing amazing, in fact. George is set on marrying a woman he had been courting for two years now. He started training at the hospital to be a doctor. Jade is doing well, earning by playing at the conservatory or when someone wants to commission her. She is getting married in about six months and she probably will ask us to play. Sebastian is doing well at school. He will probably want to enter the conservatory two years from now. His piano playing is extraordinary, Belle even said so. Prodigy worthy." Eddy said, smiling at the achievements of his lovely and wonderful children.

"Prodigy worthy is not true. He worked hard and practiced... But yes, I am happy for George and Jade... What about you, darling? How are you?" Brett asked, pulling away to go to his bedroom.

Eddy followed, knowing that Brett wants a change of clothes and to lie down from his exhausting trip. He assisted Brett and as soon as Brett was changed into more comfortable clothes, they laid down and held each other.

"I am fine. I always play with the orchestra. Thank Tchaikovsky for me... I love that violin concerto of his. I wish I have a concerto dedicated to me..." Eddy said, running his hands through Brett's hair as he was lying on his chest.

"Love, you know, you could travel Europe now. I know how many patrons you rejected because you wanted to care for your children. They are older now, they could handle themselves..." Brett said, lifting his head up a little in order to look at Eddy.

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