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"Vestis virum reddit." -Quintilianus

The clothes make the man.

Eddy wakes up with sweat on his forehead and very tight pajamas. He panted and got scared of the things that he had dreamt about. He knew that he loved Brett but it was too much for his imagination to handle dirty dreams. It was so filthy yet it felt so good and real. The only thing that Edward needs is a cold bath before he went to his classes for the day. It was so wrong that he had thought of Brett that way. He simply cannot control it, though.

The moment that he entered the bathroom, he looked at his face on the mirror. He looked to flustered and he needed to get rid of his problem. He stepped in the bathtub and soaked himself in cold water. He started to recall the dreams of last night and even if he felt guilty, he still needed to relieve himself of the painful erection. It was so wrong to be aroused by the thought of him doing indecent things with a man but Eddy cannot help it. He needed release before he went to the conservatory, just to avoid embarrassment.

The moment he was finished with his bath (and his release) he wore one of the best things he had and fixed his hair properly. He did not have a special occasion but he felt as though today will be special for him. Maybe he would be brave enough to make a first move on Brett. He did not know where this confidence came from, but he will make the best of it. It had been two months ever since he told Brett about what he feels. He was glad that Brett was really accepting of any type of love.

As he entered Brett's classroom, he knew that Brett would be asking him to stay behind for his after classes tutoring. Of course, the guilt sinks in the pit of Eddy's stomach the moment he saw the older man's stoic face. He tried his best to ignore the blooming feeling but he certainly cannot focus on what Brett Yang was saying.

He was listening, he always did, but it seemed as though he cannot process what he was hearing. All he could think of was the dirty things that Brett was doing to him when he was dreaming. It was uncomfortable but sadly, in his sorry mind, he had a bit of joy in the events. (Even if it had just happened in his dreams.)

As soon as the class was over, Eddy stayed behind. He still has to show Brett that he was willing to learn no matter what they were going to be. He started attacking slow, starting with subtle touches. The brush of his fingertips on Brett's arm that lingers. The way their skin touched and how it burns. It burns but it is so good. It electrified their souls bring them much more alive than anticipated.

Brett does not speak of the sensation but he feels it. It crawls up his spine and stays on his stomach. He cannot believe what he was feeling for the younger man. He cannot believe the fact that a younger man could hold a lot of leverage against him. How Eddy could leave him in for a thousand, even a million times, yet he will take him back every single time.

Brett Yang was not a religious man, no. Yet he would utter a thousand prayers just for the younger man to take a second look at him. He knows, he knows that he is not worthy of the man's love. Though, once he has it, he will be the most deserving one to ever have Edward Chen's love. He may not look like it, but he will be it. He just needs to have the opportunity.

Eddy was playing his violin, Brett could not focus on the piece nor Eddy's technique. Brett could not comment on anything so he just dismissed Eddy. He does not think he can handle it if the boy was constantly around him. It was simply weakening for the older man. Not to mention his clothing, Eddy Chen was irresistible that way.

Eddy could ask the older man to do anything and he simply would. He could ask Brett to bring him a piece of the moon and Brett would bend his back just to get it. If Eddy asked him to run away with him, Brett just might. If Eddy asked him to give up his career, he might just do so. Even without hesitation. He just wants to please the younger man.

Eddy, on the other hand, was not aware of the thoughts that are coursing through the older man's brain. He was still continuing his plan that does not seem to work. Was Brett Yang really that emotionless and cold? Eddy just shrugged, kept his head forward and continued his plan. It would take more than just touches to pull Brett in his daze.

Both were really unaware on what the other was feeling. Both were unaware of their effects toward the other. Both were unaware how bewitching they are.

"Brett, is there anything to change in my playing? I especially feel as though my up-bow staccato needs an improvement." Eddy complained, intentionally getting closer to Brett.

"Well, a thing about up-bow staccato, you shall always relax your wrist. If your left hand tenses up, the other will automatically follow and vice versa. Do the exercises I taught you for tension problems." Brett said, trying to seem unfazed by the younger man's closeness.

"Brett?" Eddy asked, leaning in closer to Brett, almost pressing his body against the older man.


"Can I ask you a question? It is about the person that I might love." Eddy whispered, body now close to Brett.

"Ask whatever you have to." Brett whispered back, his breath tickling Eddy's neck.

"I do not know how to approach them and tell them what I feel... What is a good alternative for this?"

"Well, you could always use your actions. You said that he was open-minded about loving, did you not?"

"He is. What do you mean about actions, though? How do I show him I love him?"

"Well, Eddy, you could start off small with body language. Just leaning your body toward his and small touches. If you feel brave and think that he might love you back, then you could kiss him, maybe."

"How do I touch him? Like this?" Eddy asked, running his fingertips down on Brett's arm.

"That's good. Just like that." Brett said, he was weak but he would not show the younger man this.

They were both silent after that. Their bodies still close together and the younger man's fingertips are still on Brett's arm. They made no effort to move from their newfound closeness.

"Do you know who I love now, Brett?"

"I think I might have just found out, Edward." Brett said, voice dangerously low.

Brett grabbed Eddy's wrist and brought it up his lips. He kissed the younger man's knuckles and held his hand properly. Eddy blushed at the move and brought his head down.

"If you speak of this to anyone, we might have to go to jail." Brett said, lips trailing upwards toward the younger's arm.

"Well, this is our secret until we die, then." Eddy said quietly, still unable to processed what just happened.

"I am afraid so, but do not worry. I will treat you right. Just say the words and you will have my heart for eternity." Brett coaxed. "If I could tell the world I love you, I would have. Fortunately, I think I already have." Brett added, lips already on Eddy's neck.

"What is that supposed to mean, Brett?" Eddy asked, still afraid of moving.

"Well, you are my world. I love you." Brett said, lips so close to Eddy's ears. Eddy could feel the softness.

"I love you, too." Eddy squeaked out, still weak because of the older man's actions.

"That's good to know." Brett said, lips lowered toward Eddy's neck. "Are you not going to kiss me? I want to taste you on my lips." Brett asked boldly, pulling away from the younger's neck.

Eddy swallowed and stared at Brett's lips. He made their foreheads touch and he closed his eyes. He leaned in and closed the distance between their lips. Their lips fluidly moved against each other and Eddy was weak. He was holding onto Brett as though he cannot stand on his feet.

Maybe Eddy cannot, so Brett holds him up.

Brett slowly licked the outline of Eddy's lips and creeped his tongue in Eddy's mouth. Eddy submitted to the kiss and allowed Brett to massage the walls of his mouth, not fighting the dominance that Brett had found. They pulled away.

"Well, the kiss was too sloppy but we could work on that." Brett said, fixing Eddy's clothes.

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