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"Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." -Ovid

Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.

Eddy was not able to attend his last day classes because he was feeling fatigued. He did not feel feverish but he just felt weak. His mother was with him for half of the day and by the time he felt stronger, he went to the conservatorium just to meet with Brett in order to not make him worry.

What he saw surprised him. Another student was talking to Brett. Brett was just weakly smiling but Eddy saw it as something else. Brett had already eyed Eddy on the doorway of his classroom but Brett did not want to be rude to his student that had an inquiry.

When Brett saw that Eddy left, he had excused himself from the conversation and chased after Eddy. Brett was scared for life when Eddy did not come to his classes today. Brett's heart might have just hopped in joy the moment that he saw Eddy in the door frame.

Eddy on the other hand felt so much all at once. He was angry, then he was sad, then he was confused and now he just wanted to get away from that dreaded classroom. This dreaded conservatorium; Eddy felt like a fool who fell for Brett's sweet words. Those tender lies and beautiful words, Brett Yang was a player. Well, that was what Eddy thought.

"Edward! I have to talk to you. Edward!" Brett said, still chasing after Eddy.

Eddy stopped, let Brett catch up. He was still a bit weak from this morning. He might as well hear Brett's explanation. Brett held him by his waist, knowing that Eddy felt dizzy. Brett used his strength to carry Eddy bridal style back to his classroom, not caring about anyone seeing them. Eddy cannot protest because he was too weak.

Once they were back at the classroom, Brett allowed Eddy to settle down on his desk, sitting him down on it while holding on to Eddy's waist. Eddy stubbornly removed Brett's hands resting on his waist but he almost fell. So, the next time Brett does the same action, he lets him.

"Why are you such in a hurry to go away from me? Did I do something wrong?" Brett asked, looking in to Eddy's eyes. Eddy avoided his gaze, the image of Brett talking to a student burning in his mind over and over again.

"I do not know. Why do you not ask the man you were just talking to?" Eddy said, crossing his arms in defiance. Brett still has his hands on Eddy's waist.

"My darling, are you jealous of that student? Really?"

"I do not know. He seemed particularly close to you and you did not seem to mind. It is just, if you do not want me then just tell me."

There was a silence that filled the room. Brett lightly chuckled and pressed their foreheads together. They were still on the same position but this time Eddy did not move away from Brett.

"Lovely, do you really think that I would love someone else if I love you? Did you really think that it is possible for me to love anybody but you? It seemed as though you have forgotten that you are all my hopes and dreams moulded into one?" Brett spoke lightly, love lighting up in his eyes ever so gently.

"It is just, you saw me, standing in the doorway. I am also quite afraid since you did not respond to me easily because I am quite replaceable... I am sorry." Eddy said, giving in to Brett's embrace.

"Lovely, it would be rude to cut off a pupil who just asked a question. Besides, I was so consoled the moment I saw you... How are you feeling now?" Brett asked, embosoming Eddy in his arms.

"I have a headache now, but the dizziness has dissipated. I feel better now that I am in your embrace." Eddy said, hiding his face on Brett's chest.

"That is good. It is your last day as second year student, you should enjoy it." Brett said, lightly withdrew Eddy from his arms but Eddy protested and held him tighter.

"I do not need them for I have you now. Have you locked the door? I really want a loving smooch at this moment." Eddy said, whispering on Brett's ear.

"It is my second nature to lock that door if it is only the two of us in the room, even before we were together, my love." Brett said, his body getting closer toward Eddy.

"What are you waiting for then, my everything? Come kiss me as if we will never see each other again." Eddy invited.

"That I can do for you, my sunshine." Brett said, leaning down to kiss Eddy.

The wooden desk was a good idea because it made Eddy shorter than Brett. Brett did not hesitate to place his lips right on Eddy's. It was quick yet the passion was still burning on their connected flesh. Eddy just took the kiss as gracefully as he could with his headache. Soon, Eddy pulled away and whined about his headache.

"I think I could lessen your ache. Just let me massage your temples and your scalp but please kiss me. Three days without feeling your lips are too long for my thirst..." Brett admitted, going to Eddy's ears. "Will you allow me to quench this thirst of mine, dearest?" Brett added, gently blowing on Eddy's ears.

"Drink as much as you want... I do not mind, lovely. Take as much as you want for I am yours eternally and only yours..." Eddy whispered back, blushing a glorious red.

"Well, if you insist. Are you sure that you are well enough before I proceed?" Brett caressed Eddy's cheek, kissing softly.

"I am well for I get to be close to you. I am forever in love with you, Brett."

March 27, 1861

Summer is on its peak and so is his presence around me. Oh, dear Lord, it may not be right in your eyes our love but I beg you. I beg you to let me keep him in my arms until this lifetime of mine passes. If you wish to part us, in the next lifetime, he shall choose me for I will always choose him no matter what world or what life we will have to lead.

For I could only imagine a future with him and only him. I am sorry, God but I hope you would grant me this. For I will do anything just to keep him safe from this world. I am no religious man, but I will utter millions of prayers just to be with him freely.

I worship him, my Lord. It might be a sacrilege but who could blame me? My Lord, you understand why I worship him. Why I praise him as if he was my god. And maybe, maybe he is. I do not care if I am regarded as a sinner, the moment I get to love him, I chose to walk the path of heaven on earth.

His love is heaven and his passion is hell. It might sound too much for the greatest being, but my Lord, oh my Lord, if I cannot ever love him in heaven, then maybe I am better off at hell. My Lord, I just love him too much to let go.

I regard him as my missing piece. I was looking for so long and now that you have graced me with his existence I promise to cherish him. For who am I to deny your blessing? I am just a mere man who longs for love as much as another man would. I love him as he is and I could only love him more.

My beloved, my delights, the man who reminds me of Solomon's Song, he is the only one that I could ever want and need. Maybe, even if I have this love of mine, I could lose him whenever. I will not keep him with me if he does not want me anymore. For I only wish him all the happiness that he could grab and knowing him, he deserves the entire world.

The world might worship under his feet and yet he would not see it. He could only see me for now and I only hope it stays that way. I love him as he is and I only wish to see his face when I wake up in the same bed as his. I am not fond of children but I would only have one if it is with him.

My love cannot be expressed in words because it is much more than that. I can only hope that he knows that my music is dedicated to him and only him. He is my muse, my beloved and my dreams.

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