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"Nihil est ab omni parte beatum." -Horace

Nothing is blessed in every part.

The next day, both knew that everything between them had changed. That does not necessarily mean that they need not to hide the relationship, it was still illegal in their time. If you looked at them, it may seem like nothing out of the ordinary. It just looked like an artist admiring his muse or a musician looking up to a fellow musician. These are the times where society being closed minded had its advantages.

People only see them like they were siblings.

They did not disagree with it, it was better than if people saw them as lovers. They could not risk it in public so it is better if they lay low. They were not criminals but that is not how the world saw them now. Maybe in a next life where they would be free to love, they would show each other off.

But these things? These are easier said than done. Living in their time suppressed love in its greatest beauty and its greatest natural state. It is wrong and it is quite unfair but the world is not ready to see love reinvented. Love is too beautiful to be restrained.

And yet, no one could see the beauty if they are both men or if they are both women. Only they can see the love that is simply new. It was not enough for them but it will be enough for now. They are not free to express their love in public but they are free to love.

Still, in Eddy's eyes, love is present and it is only Brett who sees it properly. The look is soft and subtle but it bring Brett Yang to life. It keeps him alive and well, sometimes he might even just allow it to be the very blood that courses in his veins.

Brett Yang was a simple man.

If living for the look in Eddy's eyes is the answer to a long life of sixty-four then he might as well just take it all in. Seeing that smile and those oh, so innocent eyes come to life every time they meet eye to eye is burning the desire inside Brett.

Edward Chen never believed in love at first sight, but the moment he heard Brett Yang, it must have been.

If it wasn't then Eddy wouldn't know what to call this love of his. He was just glad that he got this man and this man would always love him. Because whether they like it or not, they are stuck in love with each other. It would be good. They were meant for each other and nothing will change that.

Brett, once again, believes that love conquers all things.

Eddy now knew what love was.

"So, that is it for this week. I shall see you next week. Your task for this week is scales. You wouldn't be performing because you need to study for upcoming examinations. Goodbye, class."

They all start leaving after returning their greetings to Brett. As usual, Eddy was left alone with him after the class period was over. They went over his usual lessons and practice for a few hours. Eddy was tired but he did not seen to care. He was with Brett while they were both practicing. It calmed Eddy's mind, seeing as he was getting better and it is just a bonus that he was with the love of his life.

Eddy was extremely tired but he did not mind it. He sat down without a care as Brett was still practicing. He observed the man the way that he his. This raw beauty that was right in front of him, so open and vulnerable. He was playing the second movement of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. The andante that seemed so personal to him.

Brett Yang looked extremely vulnerable with the piece, especially now that Eddy knew why Brett held it so dearly in his heart. He could see beyond that emotionless expression and see how he was mourning and crying out. Eddy felt so privileged to see this side of Brett that no one knew but his family. Eddy felt as though he was already a part of Brett's family.

After Brett was finished practicing, it was now dawn. Nobody was around the conservatory but them and Eddy used this opportunity to stand up and initiate a kiss. He stood in front of Brett, using his height as an advantage. He held onto the nape of Brett's neck and leaned in a bit too harsh for Brett's liking.

Eddy initiated the kiss and tried to take control of it. Brett was shocked but kiss Eddy back with a bit more passion, trying to soften the harsh kiss that Eddy had started. Eddy didn't seem to pick up on it so Brett decided to take control.

Brett squeezed Eddy's butt and Eddy moaned at the response. Brett used this opportunity to take over, kissing him as if making Eddy forget his name. Eddy just grew weaker and had to pull away, needing to take in oxygen after that kiss.

"I, Brett- umm... Uh, I- ah." Eddy said, unable to form words. That might have been the best kiss that he had ever received.

"Thought so..." Brett said, toying with Eddy's shirt collar. "You kiss a bit too rough, darling. Use less teeth and be much more gentle. It is better to take is nice and softly than attacking it aggressively. It's like with playing, lovely. Well, they do say that nothing is blessed in everything, practice helps." Brett added, fixing his collar and pulling him for a loving kiss.

Eddy was still at a loss of words, thankful at the fact that it was dim so Brett could not get a glimpse of his reddening cheeks. When Brett pulled away, they walk out of the conservatory without anymore words. They went their separate ways and went back home.

February 6, 1861

Notes and scales are the melodies within accidentals.
Our piece is in my head, constantly repeating itself, until the voice is you.
The way he makes me feel comes in intervals,
Ending and beginning, like his musical laugh is, too.

The way he looked at people when they talk. The way he moved, oh so melancholic yet it was too rapid for him to seem sluggish. The way he has the ability to slowly yet quickly lose his temper that he had built up for so long. The way his skin is warmer than the golden rays from the morning sunshine. The way he enters the room.

The way his stares burn holes in my skin due to their intensity. The way his posture is undefined because of his imperfect figure. The way his laugh resonates in the room and lingers, like the last notes of a concerto lingering in a music hall. The way he combs his fingers through my hair. The way he keeps quiet on social situations yet the he's the louder one in bed.

The way he says my name as if it was his home or a prayer that he could repeat like a mantra. The way he walks, the way he speaks. The dip of his collarbones and the way he waves his hands. His hands, how they are much larger than mine but his is weaker.

The way his lips move when he says words with the letter "q" in it, how it curls into a perfect shape. It is the frilly, small and unnecessary things that are so, so, so, so useless, but they mean a lot to me.

I always see the way he would glance at me, he thinks that the love does not bloom in those very eyes but they do. It is not subtle.

And suddenly, it seemed like he is the only one that matters. When knowing him and seeing him, I forgot about my tragic yesterday's. Ones that I used to think that made me what I am, ones that had scarred me deeper than a mere sword can, my yesterday's seem to be null ever since he had entered my present life.

I used to be so afraid of going in the sunlight and basking in its glory and warmth in the fear of burning my skin. Now, I trade secrets with it. He is now my sunlight, my rainbow, my warmth, and my everything. I am not afraid of the sun that might burn my skin because I now know that his love is will be coming with more heat. He is the embodiment of daytime if it was a living person.

He is now the sun that rises on my east side and the sun that sets on my west side. He is the changing phases of the moon. What matters now is the today's I have with him.

Now, I only look forward to tomorrow's with him.

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