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"Uhh, hello?"

A short boy with black glasses appeared beside Eddy, who was completely indulged in the thick book full of mathematical equations. It took sometime for Eddy to realize he was being called by someone. He looked up to see another boy, asian and about his age. "Yes?" He replied, realizing there was probably a very awkward silence after the 'hello', which he didn't realize was said thrice. "I was wondering if I could sit next to you. There's no other seat as you can see," The new boy spoke up. He looked kind of shy, but Eddy was no one to judge that, since he basically would faint asking a single question, as simple as 'what's your name?'. He wouldn't have said no anyways but he didn't get any chance to give a proper reply since the teacher shouted, "Brett, sit down!" The boy, Brett, hurriedly scurried behind Eddy to reach the last empty seat in the little classroom, to the left of Eddy.

The boring class went by in a jiffy. Well, maybe not so boring considering everybody else gave answers to the teacher pretty enthusiastically. Most of the answers were actually given by the boy beside Brett. Brett still didn't get a chance to ask his name. When everybody was getting up to leave, Brett nudged the taller boy's shoulder and extracted a little "hmm?". Brett asked, "Uh, what is your name?" The taller boy looked up, "Eddy, Eddy Chen. And you? Oh, uh sorry you are Brett right?" Brett chuckled softly. It was human error to ask 'and you' after questions of these sort. "Right, Eddy. Hello, Eddy. I see you play the violin." Eddy's eyes lit up, "Woah, you the first one who didn't come to me with that annoying voice, 'Hey is that a gun?'" Brett laughed, "I hear that too, they think it's funny but it's not. Really not." Eddy's eyebrows raised, "You are a violinist too?" Brett nodded, "Yeah."

They spoke for a couple of minutes. And in those minutes they found out a lot about each other. They had a lot of things in common. Born in Taiwan, grew up in Australia, playing the violin since 4, scared of cockroaches and spiders, love hotpot, suck at studies, go to the same youth orchestra. It literally felt like they found a part of their whole. They did. Soulmates, maybe as people would later call them. Who would know, a talk of around 15 minutes which ended with exchanging phone numbers, would result in so much more in the future. So much.

So much.

Hello, Eddy.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن