4. Revenge

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Molly's P.O.V

I was awoken in the morning by loud banging, what are they doing so early in the morning to be creating so much noise?!

"Ugh" I groaned to myself and grabbed my head, it was pounding even more from all the racquet downstairs, i decided to get up and go downstairs. My eyelids were drooping down as i exited out my room and rushed downstairs.

"What the fuck are you doing to create so much noise in the house" I yelled looking at all of them who just stared back at me.

"Banging pans together what does it look like?" Louis said smiling to me.

"Well do you mind i was asleep?"  i replied angrily,

"As were we last night, it's called payback love" Louis smiled sarcastically and carried on.

"Well im up now so YOU CAN STOP" I said grabbing the pans and throwing them behind me, then heading upstairs to get dressed, all i heard was a "reow".

I got changed into my black high waisted shorts, a white vest top covered in clear sequins brushed through my hair and went back downstairs to find that their was noone there just a note.


We went out to record the new album be back later, don't leave the house.

Boys xx

I just laughed at the note and scrunched it up and threw it in th bin, i grabbed a box of cookie crisp and began munching through them, when a plan struck me i'd get my revenge on them for getting revenge on me! I smiled evily to myself.

"Okay so i know nothing about these boys what do they hate" I wondered aloud to myself as i was deep in thought, "Aha the internet must know!" I smiled as i began typing away.



I heard keys in the door as 5 boys emerged in, 

"Molly you're in...?" Liam said with surprise in his voice.

"Yep never left" I smiled to him.

"I dont trust her she's being to nice" Niall wispered to the boys, well i could hear so not so sure about wispering

"Niall we've known her a day give her a chance" Liam scolded.

I just bit my lip to keep my laughter in.

"Well i'm going to take a nap" Liam said and went upstairs, 3 boys followed and i was left with Niall.

"Want anything?" He offered gesturing to the fridge,

"Nah it's okay" I smiled trying to act nice and sweet.


"OMG OMG THERES SPOONS IN MY BED" Liam said running down the stairs like a little girl as if he's seen a massive spider.

"MY HAIR PRODUCTS ARE GONE" Zayn squieled running downstairs,



Then Louis and Harry emerged downstairs, they all turned to me with angry faces.

"Molly. Get. Rid. Of. Those. Spoons.





That was it i just erupted into laughter, oh my god that is what you get for waking me up, i was crying now they still looked angry apart from Niall he looked like he was going to cry..

"Where are they all?" Niall said

"Where are what?" I replied swaying my body side to side i was now standing up

"Everything, Zayn's hair products, Louis' stripes, Harry's Jack Wills, AND MY FOOD" Niall demanded.

"Well you could ask me abit more nicely.." I replied innocently looking around the room,

"Molly where on earth did you hide all of our things?" Zayn said battering his eyelashes at me.

"What time does the dustbin men come?" I said with a questioning look on my face,

"OH NO YOU DIDNT" 4 boys said and ran outside, oh dear this was classic as if i'd throw it away. 

"Molly this is not funny get up to your room." Liam said with a serious tone of voice,

"And im going to listen to you because?" I replied, who does this boy think he is bossing me around

"Because otherwise i will make you, you need to learn some things because the way you're behaving isnt acceptable" He said pointing towards the staircase. Wow it's just like living with my dad but i see these boys more.

I just gave him a dirty look and walked upstairs, he followed me all the way untill i closed the door.

"And im sitting out here to make sure you dont go anywhere" Liam said sitting down.

"And why on earth would i do that?" I said sarcastically, i searched around for my black studded Dr Martens once i found them i put them on and opened my window, making sure it was all clear i began to climb onto the roof then hanging off the roof i dropped myself to the ground and began running.

I dialled Chase's number and told him i was on my way, i wasnt staying at that house tonight.


I awoke my face smushed against the floor holding a bottle of vodka, i was in the living room i saw that Chase was on the couch and the apartment was a state, just then i heard a knock at the door so i pushed myself up off the floor and went to answer the door.

"Oh hey Helen long time no see" I smiled Helen in her uniform.

"Oh Molly, Molly, Molly" She said shaking her head looking down at her notepad she had in her hands

"What i havent commited a crime" I said in defence

"Do you not remember anything from last night? Oh wait of course you don't well you smashed a police car with your friend over there" She said pointing to Chase. I couldnt help but laugh, Helen just looked at me tapping her pen on her notepad.

"Oh come on Helen let me off just this once i have to get home" I said begging her she just looked at me and sighed.

"Molly you have to stop all this but because we see eachover alot do you need a lift?" She offered me

"OH MY GOSH HELEN I LOVE YOU" I said hugging her

"Uhuh just get in the car" She said walking towards the car.

-Half an hour later-

I walked into the house, i found a key in the drawer, i saw 6 heads on the couch as they all turned around to look at me.

Uh oh.

"Molly nice of you to join us" My dad said.

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