24. Mistake?

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Well Zayn its-" I started saying, i looked at him again, could i hurt him? My best friend i would be putting my best friends life in danger. I don't want to be the person that does that. How much of a monster would that make me.

"Yes.." Zayn incouraged me to go on,

"Erm yeah well it's i had a miscarridge" I lied hoping he wouldn't see through it, i was almost crying so i think he will believe it.

"I give up Molly, i give you a chance to explain yourself and all you do is lie, you lie to me, right to my face whatever Molly don't speak to me again" Zayn said as he was about to slam my door. I couldn't do this I was almost in tears when i felt a rush of adrenaline rush through me i sat up really fast when without having any control over my mouth i yelled,


"I'll tell you" I said in a lower voice, as he came back into my room and waited by the door.

"Go ahead Molly" He said with his arms crossed, i sighed, i was angry i was basically making a choice of being ignored by my best friend or getting him hurt along with me.

"Zayn i can't tell you here" I wispered looking at my hands in my lap whilst i twiddled my thumbs around eachother.

"Yes you can just tell me, how bad can it be?" Zayn said as he took a couple more steps towards me.

"You have no idea but erm follow me" I said as i exited out of my room and took a left turn and walked a couple of doors down until we came to a door,

"Molly why in the closet?" Zayn questioned as i opened it, it wasn't big, just big enough for 2 people and it was pitch black when you had the door closed. 

I pulled Zayn inside the closet and closed the door, our bodies were pressed against eachother

"This will work" I said looking around, surely they couldn't hear us from in here so it's all safe right.

"What is it Molly?" Zayn said as i closed my eyes and took a deep breath,

"Before i tell you, you have to promise not to tell the rest of the boys please i'm already in serious trouble if they find put i've told you" I pleaded

"Erm okay i won't tell them?" He said unsure,

"No you have to promise me Zayn, or the police or anyone this remains between you and me, promise?" 

"Okay Molly i promise" Zayn told me as i took a deep breath.

"Okay well erm it's so strange but please Zayn believe me" I said as he grabbed my hand lightly,

"I will Molly now please tell me" He said,

"Okay so you know all those erm 'accidents' i've been having lately" I said looking down, im not sure why we couldnt see eachother but i could still feel his eves on me.

"Yes" He urged me on to continue,

"Erm well funny story they're not actually accident i've been having, it's erm Simon" I said in a low voice.

"What-what do you mean?" Zayn said,

"Well we don't get on, and he's been torturing me so when i got shot, that was him, when i was 'baking a cake' he was cutting me" I said in tears,

"Molly you have to tell the police" Zayn said,

"No Zayn please that will get me in even worse trouble please, Simon told me if i told you he would torture you as well and i don't want that to happen to you Zayn that's why i didn't want to tell you because i didn't want them to harm you and i know they're out their listening and i really don't want you to get hurt and it's all my fault that i've put you in danger as well and i'm so sorry i didn't want you in danger and now you are and i'm so sorry i couldn't stand not talking to you because i care about you so much and i am so sorry" I cried into his chest as he hugged me and rubbed my back,

"Seriously?" He said,

"Zayn they're going to hurt you because i told you, that's why i kept it from you i'm so sorry i dragged you into this" I cried

"No Molly it's fine i'm just worried about you, we have to do something" He said as he kept rubbing my back,

"No Zayn no we can't tell anyone it will just get so much worse please you cant tell anyone please" I pleaded to him,

"Alright but i don't think they'll know you told me so i won't get harmed, i'll keep it to myself" He hushed me as i kept crying, my phone went off in my pocket knowing who it was going to be i cried even harder.

"Sh Molly come on answer it" Zayn urged me on, it was in my jean pocket and i don't think i have ever shaken so much in my life i could barely hold my phone let alone unlock it.

Oh so you decided to tell your friend Zayn,

That was a BAD move Molly now you both have to pay the price

Meet me at the allyway again. TONIGHT

Remember to come alone or else

And also that i'm everywhere i hear everything Molly make sure you and Zayn don't tell anyone because there will be consiquences for everyone involved,

See you tonight at 10 - Simon

I started crying and handed Zayn my phone what had i done, i had put his life in danger as well as my own.

"Molly, Molly sh sh sh don't wory i'm glad you told me okay don't worry we'll make it through it" Zayn said hugging me again,

"Zayn whatever happens i just want you to know i'm so sorry" I said hugging him,

"Molly it's okay i mean what's the worst that can happen?" Zayn said as we exited the closet.

The worse was yet to come 


I'm so sorry for my crappy updates :( But i worked hard on this chapter i know it isnt long but i had no idea where to go with it and i hope that this was a good one! :D

Summer's coming up for me soon next thursday yay! So i will be updating more i promise! If you're still reading this thank you i love you.xx

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