26. Consiquences.

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"Zayn what are you doing here?" I said shocked,

"Was i interupting something" Zayn asked smirking

"No, well yes just what are you doing here?" I asked as Harry slipped away into the bathroom.

"I finished my date with Perrie took her home and came back here to see if you were okay, i mean clearly you were more than ok" Zayn said, i couldnt tell if he was teasing me or,

"Yeah well it was accidentle then it wasnt.. if that makes any sense" I said laughing and covering my face with one of my hands forgetting there was flour and eggs and stuff on thre so immediatly bringing my hand back down and maing a discusted face making Zayn chuckle.

"Well i think you need a shower if were going out soon" Zayn said hinting at the time,

"I completely forgot" I said as th ecolour drained from my face and my expression dropped, not like you could tell with the flour covering my face.

"Listen okay just use my shower, unless you wanna jump in with Harry" Zayn said laughing

"Thanks but i'll use yours" I said smiling as i grabbed my towel and went into Zayns bathroom and turned the shower on, the heat felt deligtful on my skin and put me to ease almost instantly, there was always something about showers that just relaxed you.

When i got out of the shower i got changed as slowly as possible, i chucked my hair on top of my head into a messy bun, i put on some leggins and i put a baggy band shirt ontop and grabbed some black converse and met Zayn downstairs.

"Alright guys me and Molly are gonna go out now" Zayn said standing up from the couch that was now occupied by both Harry and Niall.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked looking at us,

"Erm we're just going to go around the streets and look around and stuff, whatever takes our fancy" I replied with a smile as i put on my converse. It still amazes me how calm i can sound when i know what is going to happen.

"Well have fun?" Harry said,

"We will don't stay up okay? like we could be a long time" I smiled as i headed to the door with Zayn.

"Alright well bye" They both replied as i headed out the door with Zayn,

"Ready to get this over and done with?" I asked him as we began walking to the ally,

"Molly don't worry everything will be fine okay?" Zayn said trying to reasure me.

"I hope so" I said in a breath 

We were approaching the ally and i was panicking even more now that it was in sight, what have i done, whats going to happen, my head was spinning,

"Why hello again Molly" Simon said the voice gave me chills,

"And Zayn of course glad you kept that part of our deal" He said looking at Zayn.

"Hi" Zayn said,

"So i bet you're wondering what i have planned, oh whats he going to do this time" He said slowly smiling at the both of us and clapped his hands together making me jump.

"Listen i don't think what you're doing is right, like why do it? What actually makes you want to hurt your own daughter so much?" Zayn spat at him,

"Oh Zayn's feeling brave today" Simon said as he stepped closer to him,

"No it's not brave it's saying what is right" Zayn said,

"Zayn stop" I said looking down at the ground.

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