Moving On From You Is The Hardest Thing I've Tried to Do

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Jercy - Oneshot #103

Annabeth held onto Percy's hand tightly as he leaned against her side. His vision was blurred with tears. The blonde girl rubbing her thumb over the top of his hand. Her facial expressions were soft. Annabeth's eyes were filled with sympathy. Her stormy grey eyes looking down at their hands.

Percy trembled in her touch. His glare settled at the ground as sadness mingled with anger in his system. Annabeth continued rubbing he thumb against the roof of his hand. She was whispering phrases of comfort, but it did little to what Percy was feeling.

Jason was in front of them. His glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose, and the scar on his lip was prominent in the golden light of the sun. He was smiling.

Percy was wearing a suite. With blood shot eyes he glared at the casket. In the oak, shiny casket was Jason. Another demigod dead before they reach 21. Another demigod to never see the camp again. Another demigod that Percy loved, but lost because dying was the only thing a demigod is destined to do before they turn 25. Jason survived through a prophecy, a fight with Gaea, yet he was in a casket.

The Jason who Percy spent the mornings with, the Jason that gave him soft kisses on the lips each time they had lessons, the Jason who danced to off beat tunes while cooking. Percy's heart was breaking. The pain tearing through him as tears continued running down his face.

He and Annabeth had broken up, Jason was there. It was Jason who held his hand as he watched Annabeth walk down the aisle and marry Piper. It was Jason who wiped his tears away when Estelle was in surgery to remove a brain tumor at 4 years old. It was Jason who was always there. Always ready to listen. Always ready to express his love for Percy.

Percy sniffled and brushed his face roughly against his sleeve. His face was sticky with tears and his head hurt from crying. He pulled away from Annabeth, grabbing a note from his pocket.

Moving on from you is the hardest thing I've tried to do the note read.

He dropped it in the casket and saw a few Romans start to bury the love of his life in the ground.

"Percy!" Jason yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Percy, his shirt unbuttoned and his hair messy with intense bed head, poked his head out of the door frame. His hands gripped the frame as he leaned out. He looked at Jason. Jason was dressed in a black suite, a long dark gold tie, and new dress shoes. He looked nice, Percy observed quietly.

"Give me a sec, Jase. Still trying to get this–" Jason sighed, cutting Percy off. His face held a tentative smile. His eyes looking at Percy's neck and then scanning his chest. His body was covered in a series of white and pink scars, littering every inch of his dark skin.

"Let me help you." Jason demanded softly. His lips were placed in a delicate smile. The blond fixing his glasses before walking up the stairs. They creaked under his weight as he turned to enter the room Percy was in.

Percy went from the open door frame to the joint bathroom of his bedroom. Percy was looking in the mirror. His tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration. His fingers fiddled with his tie. Jason didn't comment as he mutely walked up behind Percy. From behind, Jason wrapped his arms around the space by his neck and quickly fixed the tie.

"You have to loop it like this, Perce." Percy smirked at Jason's reflection in the mirror.

"What would I do without you, Superman?" Percy questioned cockily.


Jason looked at peace. At least that's what Percy would like to believe. His skin was tinted pink from desperate attempts to wipe the blood off his face. The blood that just kept pouring from the 5 inch hole in his skull. His glasses still rested where they should, his eyes closed like he was napping, and his  head wound had been hastily stitched up.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Percy said as he reached into the drawer in his bedside table. Jason groaned and rubbed his temples. He wore pajamas and his hair was wet.

"You're acting weird!" He exclaimed.

"Maybe it's cause I love you?" Percy shot back. Jason frowned but struggled to keep himself from smiling.

"I love you too, asshole. Now tell me why you're acting weird!" He walked up to Percy. They were so close their noses touched. Percy bit his lip wit a smile. Jason tried his best not to blush.

"Just like I said, Jase. I love you," and with that Percy cupped the blond's face. He closed the gap between their lips. Their first kiss, Percy remembered, was one of the best kisses he had ever received.

"And here to say a few words upon this hero's death, is Perseus Jackson." Chiron announced. Percy grudgingly walked to him. He took the microphone from the centaur. His hands shook. Annabeth had stayed behind, watching from the crowd with a weepy expression.

"He was my friend, my- my—"

"We should get married," Jason said as Percy put his head on the blond's chest. He looked up. His green eyes meeting Jason's blue.

"Seriously?" He asked, half surprised and half curious. Jason nodded and hummed. His hand rested on the small of Percy's back. Percy had his bare arms wrapped around Jason's bare waist.

"You... you want to marry me?" Percy found himself asking. The darkness of his cabin had never been more dense. The silence never seemed so suffocating.

"I mean... yeah? If you're up to it. I'd... I'd really like to marry you, Percy." Jason whispered. Percy chuckled and shifted himself. He straddled Jason, his elbows resting by the sides of his head.

"I'd like that," Percy whispered. He then kissed Jason. Softly and slowly, feeling Jason's hands go to his hips as the kiss deepened.

"Marry me?" Jason asked again. The question was muffled by Percy's lips.

"Yes," Percy answered before grinding against Jason.

"I loved him, and he loved me. And that's why–" his voice cracked as he shuddered.

"That's why it's so hard to say goodbye." He could feel the tears coming again.

"Saying goodbye to you, Jase, is the hardest thing I have ever had to do."

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