Texting You

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #37

July 1st

Yuri 💙: Jason?

Yuri 💙: Are you okay?

Yuri 💙: People have told me things. . .

Yuri 💙: Telling me you've died.

Yuri 💙: I know your lying.

Yuri 💙: Right?

Yuri 💙: Oh. By the way.

Yuri 💙: Happy Birthday!

July 8th

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: Will you ever answer?

Yuri 💙: I have news!

Yuri 💙: I nearly destroyed camp today. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm a monster.

Yuri 💙: So tell me.

Yuri 💙: Why aren't you in my arms again?

July 15th

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙:This is hard!

Yuri 💙: Everyone has been so different.

Yuri 💙: Around me at least.

Yuri 💙: They treat me like I'm glass.

Yuri 💙: Just bound to break in seconds.

Yuri 💙: I need you!!

July 22nd

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: You're dead.

Yuri 💙: Aren't you?

Yuri 💙: Don't worry, you know 1 thing at least.

Yuri 💙: I love you. And I will try to live without you.

Yuri 💙: No matter how much my heart hurts.

August 2nd

Yuri 💙: Its been a while. . .

Yuri 💙: All I can say is.

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: I can't do it. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm so sorry.

September 3rd

Yuri 💙: Annabeth found me today.

Yuri 💙: Crying my eyes out.

Yuri 💙: I know I shouldn't do this.

Yuri 💙: After all, I am the leader of Camp.

Yuri 💙: But it hurts Jason.

Yuri 💙: It hurts so badly!

Yuri 💙: I need you Superman!

September 8th

Yuri 💙: Today.

Yuri 💙: Things happened.

Yuri 💙: I went to the infirmary.

Yuri 💙: Will insisted.

Yuri 💙: And they said I was depressed.

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