Asking Them

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Jercy - - Oneshot #54

A/n: Just something quick and simple. Enjoy!

Me: Hey guys! It's Bridget here! And welcome to. . . *drumroll* . . . ASK JERCY!! Featuring Jason Grace and Percy Jackson! (Yayyy!!)

Jason: Um, why are we here?

Percy: I bet it's Hera.

Percy: *Sees Me.* Oh crap. It's worse!

Me: Rude!

Jason: Hi?

Me: *gasps as I realize JASON IS TALKING TO MEH!!!!* HIIIIII!!!!!!

Jason: . . .

Percy: Why are we here Bridget?

Me: To answer questions me dearest brother. Just questions.

Jason: Brother?!

Percy: Yeah, she just avoids camp a lot. Something about being trapped in her Wattpad account and getting 16K, it was weird. I choose not to question it.

Me: The one time I came to camp. . . It wasn't pretty.

Jason: Okay. . . I'm not going to ask. . .


Percy: *sighs.* Fine.

Jason: I guess. . . *rubs the back of his neck nervously*


Jason: *whispers to Percy* She's so loud.

Question 1: Who worries about what they'll look like when they're older?

Me: Hm, *shrugs* answer. Now.

Jason: *blushes*

Percy: *smirks at Jason being all shy before answering quite confidently* Superman over here.

Jason: *stammers* You-You would to if you were turned ol-old!

Percy: *kisses his forehead* It's okay, I'll be old with you.

Me: *thinks, The Blood Of Olympus, then smiled widely.* YASSSSS!!!! So CUTE!!!! *starts squealing*

Percy: *looks over at Me weirdly* What?

Me: *nearly faints*

Question 2: Who steals the blankets?

Me: *looks at them like an obsessed stalker. . . Aka the fangirl stare ;) *

Jason: Percy

Percy: Hey!

Jason: You can't deny it!

Me: True I write about– I mean hear that you guys cuddle all the time and half the time I think Percy steals the blankets! *laughs nervously. 'That was close' I think in a slight sense of relief*

Question 3: Who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?

Me: Ooh! Oneshot here I come!!!!

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