Oneshot 15, Cassidy

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Jercy - Note - Not So Oneshot #88 Yet... Sorry I lied!



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So, as a treat, you can choose whatever Oneshots you'd like a part two of, and you can get a spoiler/sneak peak of whatever you desire in the next Oneshot!


Arranged to Her?!?! (Arranged Marriage and Royalty AU) (Part 10)

A New World (Part 3)

Hogwarts AU (Part 2)

When My Lungs Give— oh wait... I killed Jason in that one. Never mind then... Unless you want a Jason funeral and stuff...

But you get the idea! You can request new Oneshots too if you desire. Have fun!! And onto the Oneshot!!!

~ Bridget

Jercy -  - Oneshot #88

"He got out his sword and charged. Percy was clutching his arm, Jason quickly attacked it. Cassidy screamed, attracting Jason's attention. She jumped out of the tree, rolling and landing on her back. "Cassidy!" Percy yelled, Jason sliced the hellhound ear. It roared, and looked over at Cassidy."
~ Oneshot 15, BridgetDiAngelo

"Stop hurting Daddy and Papa!" Cassidy screamed at the beast. The hellhound growling at her. His eyes gleamed red, the small girl biting her lip. Tears gathering in her eyes as she placed them to her feet.

"No." Jason whispered, the Hellhound starting to walk towards his honorary daughter. "Don't hurt them." The girl whimpered, placing her hands on the ground.

"Cassidy!" Percy screamed again, trying to distract the beast and lure the attention away from the girl.

"Don't hurt them!" Cassidy screamed, a tear rolling down her cheek as the monster started to sprint towards her.

You have one try

That phrase repeated in the little girl's mind as she prayed to her mother, and connected with the earth.

Her hands started to glow, and her eyes closed tightly. The green glow going from a dull green to a vibrant forest color as Cassidy poured all she had into the ground beneath her.

Suddenly, nature started to react. Vines from trees sprung to life, wrapping around the Hellhounds paws. It barked viciously, grass growing at various lengths all around it.

The grass hardened and weaved itself together. A circle of grass basket trapping the beast. Trees bent over, shielding the sun away. Flowers expanding and letting their roots go to the surface. The roots tangling the body and pulling the Hellhond to the ground.

"Stop hurting them!" Cassidy screamed, her eyes still shut. Percy gasped and watched as the green aura grew in size. Once at her hands, it was now traveling up her arms and shoulders.

Jason grabbed his sword again, biting his lip as he charged. Screaming as he sliced the plants, and lodged his sword into the Hellhounds stomach.

It quickly died.

"Cassidy!" Percy shouted, watching as his daughter collapsed. Jason was to her side immediately. "Cassidy." Jason panted, running to his daughter.

"Papa." Cassidy murmured, her eyelids fluttering. Jason smiled, "Hey baby girl." He softly exclaimed. His eyes kept on her small, smiling lips.

"You're okay." She stated, Jason nodding. "You were very brave, Cassie." Jason told her, watching as she started to fall asleep.

Percy had quickly managed to find some ambrosia, and slightly limped over to Jason.

"She's alright. She didn't die."

It was all okay.

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