Grocery Shopping Together

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Jercy -  Oneshot #22

"Percy! You ready?" Jason yelled, slipping in his brown jacket. Percy came in, hopping in one foot and trying to tie his shoe. "Ready!" He yelled, Jason winced. "In the same room Percy." He muttered, Percy heard him.

"It doesn't matter. Let us go and get the food!" Percy announced, putting in his dark blue jacket and pulling Jason's sleeve. "Fine! Just stop pulling on me!" Jason said, closing the door behind them with his free arm.

Jason and Percy got into the car, and drove to the grocery store. This started the journey for cookies!

"But they're Oreos!" Percy said, Jason sighed. "We got Oreos last time! Let's just get chocolate chip or something!" He tried to bargain. "Jassssson!" Percy whined, "Percccccccccy!" Jason replied, "Please." Percy asked, Jason shook his head.

Some people started to stare. "But Oreos are superior!" Percy exclaimed, "No Percy. You got to choose last time. It's my turn." Jason said, Percy looked into his eyes.

"But when you put a ring on my finger you pledged that you'd make me happy." "Yeah but we must not get Oreos." Jason said, his voice equally as sweet and pouty. Percy groaned, "Just come to the dark side! We have Oreos!" He groaned, a girl stared at them. Jason rolled his eyes.

"We shall get CornFlakes!" He declared, "That's not even a-" "Shush husband. We are buying Cornflakes and leaving." He stated, dragging him over to the cereal aisle.

"But Oreos!" He said, whispering to the pack he had in his hand gently. "I'll never forget you Oreos!" He said, as w took the pack or Oreos and put it next to a box of Captain Crunch.

Later on, Jason bought him a small pack you'd find in a gas station. Seeing the sad look on his husbands face made him feel guilty. Besides, he had sworn he'd make him happy. He had the gold band on his ring finger to prove it.


Hey guys!!!!! 1 minute: 1.12K VIEWS!!!!!! OH MY FLIPPING GODS OF OLYMPUS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH😆😆😆😆😆!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!

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