Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Fine," Shawn said.

"Let's go then," Braxton said to Shawn. "Be back in like 10 minutes." Braxton and Shawn went outside to the backyard since Braxton knew that Maddox wouldn't go out there.

Salem waited for a moment, "He looks good."

"Yeah," Adrian agreed, "I'm not going to boost his ego by saying it to him. But he does. Besides, I think Micheal's reaction was enough of an answer to tell Braxton he looks good."

Micheal glared at Adrian, "Don't bully me."

"Too late," Adrian said. Micheal sighed softly. "Honestly Shawn's probably freaking out mentally about it."

"Shawn's crush really that bad?" Micheal asked.

"Oh yeah," Adrian said, "Shawn is as bad as you are with me. And before one of you asks, yes. I did do that so they'd be alone together. Just pay back for their 'store trip.'"

"What?" Salem asked.

Micheal rolled his eyes, "Me and Adrian weren't talking about liking each other so Shawn and Braxton had to, and I quote, run to the store because Braxton needed something, but then came back with nothing and immediately went to bully us."

"Mostly me for being a whore," Adrian said. "There was a lot of that."

Salem looked at Adrian, "Probably because you're a handsy fucker."

"You're right but how dare you call me out."

"Adrian's a bully," Micheal said, "When he found out I liked him the first thing he asked was if it was just him and Brax or Zeek too. And I responded with 'does it look like I could put up with Zeek."

"Actually you compared Zeek to Salem. Saying he was like Salem just more cocky."

"Who's like Salem but more cocky?" Zeek asked as he entered the room.

"You," Micheal said.

Zeek shrugged, "Fair enough. Where's Brax?"

"Hopefully flirting with my boyfriend," Adrian said.

Salem laughed some, "A statement normal people would never make."

"What about me seems normal?"

"Adrian if you are shit talking about your leg again I'm going to fuckng rip out your eyeballs," Micheal said.

Adrian put his hands up, "Fine sorry damn. I'll stop."

"We had like a five hour conversation about why that's not smart Adrian," Micheal said. Gabe walked in and wrapped Salem's arms around him.

Salem pouted, "Gabe my coffee!"

"I'll drink your coffee. Love me bitch!"

"Drink my coffee and I'll cut your carotid artery," Salem said.

Ryan walked in, "Severing someone's carotid artery kills them almost instantaneously. Most serial killers use it, and that's what Jack The Ripper did to his victims to kill them before mutilating them. It's also how Sweeny Todd killed his victims. So, I suggest not doing that."

"Good morning to you too, Smart alec," Zeek said, "It's also the artery that we feel to measure pulse since it's the main one from the heart to the brain."

"You know so much about that that it scares me," Salem said.

Adrian paused, "Out of any of us I think Ryan's most likely to be a serial killer."

Ryan paused, "Yeah probably. I'd be a spree killer though."

"Oh for sure," Zeek said, "Something would push you over that edge and you'd go until you went out by suicide by cop."

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