Chapter Eight

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Salem was sitting in his room, actually at his own home for once. He felt off. Something was happening, and he didn't know what. There was danger, and he didn't know what. He knew Maddox's dad was out of town, so it wasn't that. His own father had just left the house to head to a bar, so it wasn't that. Unsure what was going on, Salem texted the group chat his friends shared. 

Salami: Are you all okay? You're all home right?

Dad (Braxie): Im at home with my moms. Why Salem?

Lucy: I'm across town hanging out at Ryan's.

Zeekie: I'm home. In the middle of making cookies. 

Slut: im at the orphange icing my knee what salem?
Slut: who changed my name to slut?!

Slut changed their name to cripple(ing depression)

Furry: I was playing a game. It's 10 dude wtf do u need?

Salem waited, no response from Levi. The other's noticed.

Lucy: Why didn't Levi respond?

Zeekie: Dialing his number right now.

The others waited. 

Zeekie: No response. Rung but I went to voicemail. 

Salami: I'm headed to his house now. His dads mentioned that they were headed out tonight. I had a bad feeling. Levi's probably doing something dumb

cripple(ing depression): He better not be. 

Furry changed cripple(ing depression)'s name to Addy

Zeekie: I'll meet you there.

Salem was pulling on his jacket and shoes as fast as possible, phone still in hand, and he ran out the door. Levi's house was only down the street from Salem's so it wasn't a long sprint, but that bad feeling... it only got stronger. He could see Zeek driving down the street towards him, Salem grabbed the key Levi gave him forever ago and unlocked the front door, getting frustrated when he fumbled the key some and had issues unlocking the door. He then ran up the stairs to Levi's room. He could hear breathing, that's good, but the fact there was no other noise wasn't. Salem opened the bedroom door and Levi was laying on his bed, he looked peaceful. 

His eyes traced to the bed stand, a letter and syringes. "No," Salem thought. He shook Levi some, hearing a groan. Zeek was there too now. He helped sit Levi up. "Fuck that Zeek," Salem said, "Call 911. Now. I'll try to wake him up." Zeek quickly called 911 as Salem shook and woke Levi the best he could. He heard sirens approaching and he picked up Levi, he knews he should leave Levi there legally, but Levi needed immediate help, they don't have time to double check. As the ambulance approached, Salem walked outside, Levi in his arms. Salem explained what he knew to the first responders, that it was injected, and was a suicide attempt. He explained he wasn't the parent, simply a concerned friend as Zeek called Levi's dads. The responders took Levi and told them the hospital they were headed too, Salem thanked them. They drove off. Zeek told Levi's parents were to go. Zeek and Salem got into Zeek's old beat up car, and followed the ambulance. Salem checked his phone. 

Lucy: Updates?

Furry: is he alright?

Salem paused for a moment before texting back.

Salami: We're headed to the hospital. He tried to kill himself.

Addy: with what

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