Chapter Twelve

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The group eventually made it to a meadow. It wasn't the one Salem usually went to, instead it was Shawn who chose where they went. He led the group to a flower meadow hidden in the woods behind the park. 

"At least I don't feel like I'm about to be sacrificed this time," Adrian commented, one arm around Braxton's neck and the other resting in his lap. 

Salem rolled his eyes, "I said it once, and I'll say it again. It's called a virgin sacrifice Adrian. You're safe." Adrian smiled and rolled his eyes. 

"Fun," Braxton said, "Someone take the cripple before I throw him." Lucas helped set Adrian on the ground so he was sitting by Shawn. The group all sat down in the flower field. Salem kept mumbling something about the different types of flowers, identifying them and what he could use them for. Gabe smiled and rolled his eyes at the rambling.

Shawn rested his head on Adrian's shoulder as he carefully started to work on a flower crown out of the flowers around him. "Softie," Ryan said to Shawn. 

"Me? Soft? Absolutely not!" Shawn replied, "I only wear black and all my clothes have spikes and I dye my hair red, and hate people."

"Am I being made fun of?" Austin asked.

"No," Shawn answered. Adrian watched Shawn closely and Shawn made the flower crown, he could quickly realize that Shawn had made many before. Shawn almost did it without paying any attention to it. 

"How often do you come here Shawn?" Lucas asked, noticing Shawn's work as well.

Shawn smiled, "A lot. Whenever Adrian or Micheal annoyed me basically."

"I'm surprised I ever see you then," Adrian replied. Shawn shrugged and set the finished flower crown on Adrian's head. It looked odd, the bright flowers contradicting Adrian's faded blue hair, and black hoodie easily. Maddox bit his tongue to avoid laughing at it.  

Adrian looked at Maddox and smirked, "What are you laughing at Wolf Boy?"

"Not much Crip," Maddox replied simply. Shawn looked at the second finished crown he had made and got up, walking over to Maddox and plopping it on Maddox's head. Austin smiled some at that, and Maddox brushed some of his burgundy hair out of his eyes. "So, making fun of Adrian results in flower crowns?"

"Sure, we'll go with that," Shawn said, sitting back down by Adrian. 

Jaxson rolled his eyes, "Ew. Cuteness." Levi gave Jaxson a look and went to say something, but Jaxson ripped the hat off his head to stop him. Levi scowled and grabbed his beanie back, sticking his tongue out at Jaxson. 

"And we thought Maddox was two," Braxton said. 

Maddox was downright offended at the comment, "I am almost the same age as you!"

"Maybe physically. But in terms of maturity, I'm not so sure."

"Roasted," Zeek said. Maddox scowled at him. The group was comfortable, because they had all begun to adapt. All of them have gotten used to being adaptable, especially those towards the bad side of town. Beyond them though, Ryan was also adaptable in a way his friends weren't. He had adapted to abuse in the past, and then foster care, and then his new home, diagnoses. Ryan was used to change. They all fell into comfortable chatter with each other, making jokes that all of them could laugh at along with the joking insults that were usually flung between Adrian and Salem and Maddox. None of them really noticed at first when Gabe repeatedly fixed a ring he was wearing. He'd adjust it, and then adjust it again, and then again. It was Salem who noticed Gabe's compulsion, and the other's noticed when the two started to whisper. 

When Lines BlurOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora