Chapter Five

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The next morning was an event for Maddox and Austin, Maddox had to wake Austin up early so Austin could run home and get clothes, and after that the two began to walk to school together, but a block from the school they tried to separate some because they knew that some of the bus riding kids were already there, including a few from each of their friend groups. Luckily they managed to not get caught. 

Maddox ran up to Adrian and Levi. Adrian was leaning against a wall with his books on top of a trashcan and his crutches leaning against the wall next to him. Levi was talking to him about something. 

"Is Salem late again?" Maddox asked as he approached the two. 

"Seems so doesn't it," Adrian said. Maddox carefully grabbed Adrian's books from on top of the trashcan. Maddox had self proclaimed himself as Adrian's helper at the beginning and ends of the days. The other boys helped throughout the day when Maddox was unable to. 

"He's probably getting high with Zeek or Braxton," Levi replied.

Maddox rolled his eyes, "After complaining yesterday that all Zeek does is get high as well."

"Hey, they both went at each other so whatever. They didn't kill each other so why the fuck should we care," Levi said.

"I dunno Levi, maybe because they are our friends and Salem would quite willingly kill someone," Maddox replied.

"Salem wouldn't kill anyone," Adrian said, "Not without good reasons."

"Sure, and he also has a healthy happy family," Levi said.

"What are you three arguing about?" Salem said as he walked up.

Maddox shrugged, "Talking shit about you."

"Lovely, can I join?" Salem replied. 

"Yikes, someone needs a confidence boost," Levi replied, fixing his button up shirt.

Salem rolled his eyes, "Adrian I'm skipping today. Will you come with so I'm not completely bored?"

"Are you going to huff if I have to care for my leg?" Adrian replied.


"Fine," Adrian looked at Maddox, "You'll be good with the other guys right?"

Maddox looked up from his phone, "Oh, yeah." 

"What were you doing?" Adrian teased.

"Maddy has a girlfriend!" Levi jokes.

Maddox rolled his eyes and shoved Levi, "Fuck off. I'm talking to a guy I met in a game last night."

"Why?" Adrian asked.

"He's cool," Maddox simply replied, smiling widely.

Adrian smiled, "Okay Maddox. Be good, don't annoy anyone too much."

"No promises," Maddox replied, "I'll put your books in your locker for tomorrow. Have fun you two, don't fuck too much."

Salem and Adrian both rolled their eyes and Adrian carefully grabbed his crutches and looked at Salem to lead. Together the two walked out of the school. "Why me Salem?" Adrian asked as they walked away from the school.

"What do you mean?" 

"Don't bullshit me Salem, we aren't that close to each other, and as much as you annoy them, you'd much rather spend a day with Zeek and Braxton," Adrian said.

Salem smiled, "Back at you there. We both know you'd rather be with Maddox or Levi, why join me?" 

"You asked, usually that means something," Adrian replied, "Beyond Maddox, I'm not exactly anyone's favorite in the group."

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