Chapter Eleven

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Braxton had noticed Levi and Jaxson's disappearance, he always made sure he kept an eye out for them all. He was able to figure out that they had skipped together when both were missing from lunch. Braxton was sitting at the lunch table with Salem, Adrian and Maddox. Zeek was late from his 3rd hour, and Lucas was sitting with Micheal and his friends.

"So, Levi skipped," Maddox said.

Adrian shrugged, "Okay and? He'll be fine."

"He skipped with Jaxson," Brax said simply. Salem gave him a confused look. "They are both missing. Jaxson's seat is empty. He usually sits by Ryan."

"...You're fucking weird Brax," Salem said simply.

"Oh I know," Braxton replied. He looked down towards his phone as he heard a light ding.

The Person (Def not Male): So, you noticed that Levi and Jax are gone?

Braxton smiled seeing the notification from Micheal. He looked across the room to see Micheal looking at him, waiting for a response. Braxton smiled softly and shook his head, typing quickly.

The Man (Cis or Not): yeah i bet they skipped together
The Person (Def not Male): Hopefully that'll be good for both of them.

The Man (Cis or Not) changed their name to The Man

The Man: Name was to long and yeah hopefully

The Man changed The Person (Def not Male)'s name to The Person

The Person: Better to be concise
The Man: yeah makes this a little bit easier

"Any clue why they'd skip together?" Adrian asked.

Salem smirked, "To fuck."


"You didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"Adrian," Salem said, "Levi and Jaxson dated before the whole 'hating each other thing'. Those days that Levi was 'busy' last year? He was at the beach with Jaxson. I saw them one time."

Adrian looked surprised, "They dated?"

"You didn't pick that up from their lovey looks in between the glares?" Maddox asked.

"Sorry I'm easily distracted!" Adrian said, throwing his hands up in defeat. Braxton just sighed and leaned back in his chair some. Just relaxing and waiting for lunch to be over. He then heard multiple noises at once, a ding, two beeps, the screeching of tires, and the sound of a death screen from a game.

The boys all looked at their phones at the same time.

Zeekie: Guys I got beat up.

Salem and Braxton were on their feet in an instant, Maddox quickly helping Adrian up. Lucas noticed their sudden movements and checked his phone that he keeps on silent. Braxton motioned for him as he too jumped to his feet and followed them, leaving Micheal and his friends confused.

The group was moving quickly through the halls, Salem was texting Zeek to figure out where he was, and Maddox was helping Adrian keep up with them all on his crutches. Braxton and Lucas were looking down hallways and into classrooms, trying to find their hurt friend. They found Zeek in the back of the school, he had a busted lip and his left eye had been punched, and looked to be forming a black eye. He had bruises all over.

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