Chapter Sixteen

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Hell Bois

Texas: Guys I am bored
The Man: I thought you were at Maddoxs
Furry: he is i left the room for like 2 min
SlUt: could you two like not
FUCKIN' WHORE: Says you adrian

The Man changed FUCKIN' WHORE's name to Somft

Somft: Who told you of that nickname
SlUt: probs his fuck buddy
The Man: Yea it was Mike hes gunna be pissed were blowing up his phone
Somft: Sucks for him
Witch Trials: Guys, I am trying to sleep, it's like almost 1 am
Hatter: yah guys some of us actualky want to exist decently
Witch Trials: Wait, Austin is spending the night at Maddox's?
Texas: Yea not the first time
Witch Trials: Don't do something me or Adrian would do.
Furry: Gee thanks dad ruin my plan
The Man: Welc
Somft: I'm sorry what
The Man: Our way to say welcome, usually we just say Thank as well
Witch Trials: It's a long story.
Fish: go the fuck to bed guys before i use a bat on you
Witch Trials: Ope

Micheal was sitting on his bed in Gabe's house and looking at his phone, debating if he should encourage this conversation to continue or not.

The Man: Anyone know why Luc just texted me "You have the self-preservation of a man who met god and wasn't impressed?"
Witch Trials: He's in a mood. He texted me "This is hell's territory and I am beholden to no gods."
The Man: @lucy what the hell dude?
Lucy: I'm not wrong.
The Person: Dude it's one am, why are you being cryptic?
Lucy: I'm bored.

Micheal sighed and texted a 'whatever goodnight' text to the chat before putting his phone in sleep mode and laying down on his bed. It had been only 3 days since they spent the night at Braxton's, and so far nothing major had happened. Austin and Maddox's fathers have both been out of town, and Salem hasn't really been at his own home. Micheal knew it was bound to change, Salem would go home and start trying to gather them evidence. What surprised Micheal most about it all though, was that he was worried for Salem. After everything that happened, Micheal figured he would never give half a shit about Salem ever again, somehow that changed. He sighed and tried to get some sleep, there was school tomorrow and he had no clue how that was going to go in the slightest.

Sleep eventually overtake Micheal's pondering mind, and he was awoken in the morning by Gabriel, who had decided the best way to wake Micheal was to throw clothes at his face. "Wake up Mike! We gotta get going before Jax shows up to yell at us."

Micheal sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Was throwing clothes at me necessary to wake me?"

"Yep!" Gabe said, smiling.

Micheal stood up and looked at Gabe, "You can either run or I'm throwing you short stack." Gabe's eyes widened and he left Micheal's room quickly. Micheal sighed and got ready for the day, checking in with Leanna as well to make sure she would be ready for school too.

"Guys we're gunna be late!" Gabe shouted up for Micheal and his sister. Micheal smiled and walked out the door, knowing Gabe and Leanna would both be close behind him.

Leanna smiled softly, "I'm going to dart ahead a bit. I told my art teacher I would be in early to work on a project."

"You better run than," Micheal said, "Or you'll be late." Leanna smiled and said bye before dashing off to be at school when she needed to be. Micheal sighed some.

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