Demons from the past

Start from the beginning

Zankou flamed into his underworld room, gritting his teeth as he tried to sit on the bed. Lifting his shirt up, he sighed at the wound. His inner healing had healed the stitches and outside wound, but the poison was still running its course. It was effecting him sooner than he thought it would. Headaches were coming and going with little short span between them. Fevers were coming and going, along with non-stop pain shooting up his side. His energy was cutting short as well, causing him to get dizzy. It hit the hardest when every he casted a spell or a fireball. He either had to find a way to slow this down even more or, find a damn cure. Levitating his book of spells over to him, he tried to focus on anything, beside his not so far away death or Piper.


That damn witch wouldn't leave his mind. She was on his mind in the morning and on his mind when he called it a night. Zankou tossed the book to the side, falling back into the bed, placing his hands on his head. This was ridiculous, last time he reacted to a woman this way, she stabbed him in the back. But with Piper it was deferent. She didn't do ask anything for her own gain, always for others. She never asked more from him, than what they asked for. She always placed others before her own needs. He couldn't help, but wonder what his life would be like should he have her by his side. It...hurt him, being near her acting indifferent towards her. It bugged him like hell, not being able to talk to her, hold her, kiss her. Zankou scoffed 'So much for an all powerful demon. Dying from poison and in love with a damn charmed one.' He was royally screwed! Closing his eyes he focused his senses on the sisters home. It was quiet, peaceful. He tuned in on Paige, she was stressed, but asleep. Phoebe was asleep, so were the brats. Finally he tuned in on Piper, what he felt stumped him. She was overwhelmed with hurt and sadness. He felt her emotions wash over him, causing him to sit up with a loud gasp. Flaming into her bedroom, he frowned at not finding her in bed. Glancing around he sighed at seeing her asleep on the floor, picking her up gently, he laid her in bed and tucked her in. She would never be happy with a man like him. They were of different and opposite worlds. Same worlds that were destine to destroy each other. Casting one last look at her he flames back into the underworld. The only way she would ever be safe, would be the day he ended Mikal.

Piper groaned as she stretched herself. Reaching over to the nightstand, she grabbed her phone groaned at seeing it was barely 6am. Sitting up in bed, she frowned. Last night she was sure she fell asleep on the floor. So how in the hell did she end up in bed? Maybe Cole? No he would never walk into her bedroom without her permission. Her sisters? They were asleep by the time she stopped crying. She thought of Zankou, but she doubted he'd show up just to tuck her into bed. That was not part of the deal. Knowing she wasn't going back to sleep, she decided to take a shower and get breakfast ready. She spotted Cole standing outside on the porch and few of the demons patrolling around the house. It felt weird having them around and not being threaten by them.

Phoebe walked into the kitchen, moaning at the smell of breakfast. "Oh god that smells amazing!"

Piper smiled. "Well I hope you're hungry. I think I made enough to feed an entire army."

Phoebe shrugged, picking a piece of the eggs. "Well, you can always feed the demons guarding us." Phoebe chuckled at the look Piper gave her. "Come on Piper, they are here 24/7 and I haven't seen them eat once."

Piper chuckled, giving her sister a small nod. "Alright, I will serve the plates, but you are handing them out." Phoebe rolled her eyes, but gave her a small nod. "Is Paige up yet?"

"Paige is gone." Phoebe replied.

Piper frowned, slowly placing the plates on the counter. "Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"I walked by her room, walked in and the bedroom was empty. Must have gotten up early." Phoebe grabbed the plates, placing them onto the table. "New charge maybe?"

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