Lilith and friends

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Najib’s pov

The moment he received her text and he read the first few words, fear like he has never felt before consumed him, he began to hyperventilate, he tried reading the rest of the text but the letters began to bounce around, dancing and taunting him with his weaknesses, he shook his head closing his eyes tight before trying to read again but the letter just wouldn’t stay put.

He quickly looked to the Man beside him, Alhaji Kabir. "Please can you read this for me, I forgot my glasses and I can hardly see”. he lied.
Alhaji Kabir took the phone unsuspectingly and read the text message to him, before frowning up at him but before he could say anything Najib excused himself and left, without knowing that Kabir was following close behind him, as Najib rushed out of the room he ran into Amina who quickly explained everything to him.
“I think know the woman you describe” Alhaji Kabir said, making his presence known, “if I am right she is Maikudi’s PA’.

“What will Maikudi want with Salimat?’’ Amina asked confuse.

“Ask questions later, lets spread out, Alhaji Kabir please alert the security detail” Najib said walking off too look for his wife.

“after what felt like hours of searching, fear was slowing swallowing Najib whole, he was looking rough and all he could think about was what would life be without Salimat, he came to a stop in front of yet another door and tried to push it open but it was locked, Najib kicked the door with all the strength of his fear and anger and the lock gave way to the force, he walked in and what he saw mad him go blind with rage.

"get your filthy hands off my wife” he shouted walking over to where both Maikudi and salimat stood in embrace, he pushed Maikudi off his struggling wife and punched him in the face causing the older man to spiral to the ground, knocking a few items to the floor as he goes down.

“you know what Maikudi, you are a bastard and a dog, always looking for what next to steal like a vulture” Najib said before he practically dragged his weeping wife from the room, they ran into Alhaji Kabir who stared at both of them in confusion, Najib with an angry face and a weeping Salimat.

“Please tell them to get the helicopter ready” Najib said to kabir, whom just nodded and worked off.
Najib turned to his wife whom was still weeping and shivering like a leaf in a storm, he knew he should hug her, hold her close tell her she was safe and everything would be alright but his anger, jealousy and ego took the best of him and he let his selfish emotions come pouring out.

“how could you be so stupid and naïve" he began causing Salimat to stare up at him in shock, “you just up and follow anyone that comes calling!” he yelled.

"I am sorry” she hiccupped.

"then like your stupidity wasn’t enough you allow another man to touch you…… touch what is mine, to hold you the way only I should, know this Salimat you are mine and mine allow, no man I repeat know man has the right to your body but myself and the next time you allow any man to touch what is mine again I will have to commit murder and the blood will be on your hands” he said his tone filled with the stinging bite of jealousy.

“I am not a piece of property that you can just own Najib" she said glaring at him in anger and disbelieve.

"that’s where you are mistaken Salimat, you are piece of property once your father’s and now mine" immediately he finished that sentence, Salimat gave him a hard slap across the cheek the force causing his head to whip back.

“sir the Heli is ready” a young man said interrupting them, Najib nodded at the Man, his hand gently patting his bruised cheek, he didn’t say anything to Salimat, he knew he deserved the slap, he just turned and gestured for her to follow him, the flight home was really quite and really tense, when they arrived in Abuja there was a car waiting to take them home.

When they were both in the comfortable silence of the car, Najib turned to look at his wife before looking away, “I am sorry I shouldn’t have said those things to you, it wasn’t your fault” she apologized avoiding her gaze.

“I am sorry I shouldn’t have slapped you” she apologized avoiding his gaze too.
‘No I deserved it’ he said smiling a little.

“Yes you did” she answered making him laugh.

Najib stared at her, while she stared out the window, he had an episode today because of her, he hadn’t had one in a long long time and he had one because of the fear of losing her, he was in love with her, I didn’t know how it happened or when but he loved her with all his being, shit he thought sighing, he was finally over the denial stage.

"Come here" he said to her, she hesitated before scooting over to his side, he pulled her close holding her in a tight embrace while resting his chin on her head.

"I was so scared" she whispered hoarsely causing Najib's heart to break into a thousand pieces.

"I know". He whispered back holding her tighter while she borrowed deeper into his warmth.

Salimat’s pov

The rest of the drive back home was in a comfortable silence, when the car finally came to a stop in front of the house, Najib helped her out of the car before they both made their way into the house.

“Najib come you have a guest” Ramatu yelled form the parlor, they both headed that way and Salima came face to face with her worst nightmare yet, God knows with all the stress she had been through this was the last thing she need, she swayed slightly on her feet but Najib quickly held her keeping her steady.

"HELLO sister, hope you didn’t miss me too much?" Dije said smiling evilly at her.

At that moment like God knew and felt her pain angry rain drops came gushing from the sky in rapid succession hitting on to the roof of the house in sync to her raging emotions.  

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Who knows what is wrong with Najib?

And who give off more of Lilith vibe, Hajiya Ramatu or Dije?

Hope to hear your feedbacks?

Stay safe

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