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A little lady with purpose



Najib’s pov

Najib sat quietly staring at his wife sleeping form, he was a few hours late for work but he didn’t care, he could live his life like this forever, she looked so peaceful sleeping  and her peace inspired something within him, a feeling he could not spell out with word.

He did woken her up, help her bath before they prayed fajr and she had went back to sleep almost immediately.

"Salima" he said her name in an almost whisper, reluctant to disturb her peace,

"Salima” he called out a little louder this time.

He watched as she slowly regained consciousness, at first she stared at him in confusion but he watched as realization dawn on her, he watched her turn a pretty shade of pink.

He chuckled as she averted her eyes.

“Good morning Salima" he greeted smiling broadly.

“Good morning” she mumbled her eyes still averted, he used his finger to gently nudge her face so she was looking at him.

“Come on look at me, I am not going to bite yet…." He jested, making her frown at him, she sat up with an annoyed look on her face.

“Smile or you will get wrinkles.” He advised,

“oh I almost forgot, I have something to discuss with you" he continued.

"it’s about my mother and your sister.” That statement made Salima frown a little,

“the good news is that my Mother is gone but your sister is still around and I know you wouldn’t appreciate me throwing her out, so I am trying to restrain those urges.” He said making Salima laugh a little, that little Smile on her pretty lips, which was still slightly swollen from all his kisses, that little smile brighten his entire world, ya Allah she was going to be the death of him.

"But Salima" he continued, grasping her hand in his and intertwining their fingers,

“I wouldn’t be around all the time, as much as I like being your knight in shining armor” he jested,

“you need to be brave and stand up for yourself sometimes, they can’t do anything to you, they are powerless in that regard and whatever hold or power you might think they have on you, is unreal, promise me you will never let anyone step all over you again, promise me Salima” he begged his eyes pleading.

“I promise"she answered looking up at him, “I promise Najib”.

“Thank you” he said relieved, “oh I almost forgot, Hajiya Amina, Alhaji Kabir’s wife, do you remember her?’’

"From the seminal right, yes I remember her” Salima said nodding slightly.

"well she has been pestering me nonstop, she wants you to be the face of an outreach program or something, so I gave her your number feel free to ignore or right out block her number if you are not interested" he said and she just nodded in answer.

“Ok bye, I am late for work” he said, bending to give her a kiss before standing to leave.

“Bye and good luck’ she said and he just smiled in return.

Salimat’s pov

After Najib left, Salima went to the kitchen to get herself something to eat, she met her sister tapping away at her phone, totally oblivious to her entrance.

“Good morning Ya Dije” Salima greeted, Dije looked up and gave her one of those her conniving smiles.

“Oh hello Salima, I didn’t hear you come in, done with your wifely duties already? Or did he finally get tired of your pale self” she said smirking at her.

Salima just ignored her and went about her business, she quickly gathered her breakfast on a tray and picked it up to leave.

"run little girl, with your tail in between your legs, you have no idea on how to keep a man and I am going to snatch yours from right under you and you will have no idea what hit you, after all he is rightfully mine little whore” Dije continued,tapping at her phone nonchalantly.

Dije’s recent statement or in better terms threat made Salima pause, stand up for yourself, they are  power less, the words Najib had told her filtered through her mind, giving her the courage she never thought she had. Salima turned placing her tray on the counter and faced Dije.

“Really Dije?" she said discarding all formalities,

“how desperate can you be? He doesn’t want you, face the truth and get over yourself, this look of jealousy and neediness looks really ugly on you” she spat.

“You left home, packed your bags and came to squat in the house of a man who rejected you, shamelessly flirting with him, it obvious who the whore is. Just because I have kept shut and ignored your insults doesn’t mean I am weak or afraid of you, you don’t intimidate me at least not anymore and let me warn you the next time you insult me in my own home I am going to allow Najib to throw you out so better respect your age" Salima finished, picked up her tray and left a flabbergasted Dije behind.

Salimat’s heart pounded against her ribcage, she had never left so free and so light before, turns out all she needed was a little push in the right direction, exhilarating was the right word, she was never going back to quiet shy salima who took everyones hate for something she had no power over, no never.

Guys I am so exhausted everything hurts, packing and unpacking can really mess someone up, just decided to quickly whip something up before collapsing for the night, sorry it's short.

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Thanks and I love you guys ps check the photo at the top, rattan_culture (ig) has something special coming up.

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