
392 47 1

Kastina state
The palace
Queen Habiba's quarters

Next morning

The Dowager Queen, sat in the middle of her quarters, staring at her grand children, a handsome prince and beautiful two princesses, playing with the newest member of the family, prince Ahmad Umar Shehu, she laughed at the faces which the eldest among the four Prince Amir was making at the new baby, her room doors were pushed open and she frown anf turned to see who the intruder was, but the frown was quickly replaced by a bright smile, when she saw her son , king Umar Shehu.

Umar on the other hand, had an angry frown on his face, which soften a little when her saw his baby, lying in a clot in front of his mother, he gave a tight smile to his mother, then turned to pick up his son, he placed the child on his chest, while offering some supplications to Allah and blowing into the boy's ears, he gently placed the boy back into the comfort of his clot and looked to his other children.

"Amir take your sisters to see your mother, she wants to see you people", King Umar said taking a sit by his mother.

"Okay Daddy’’ Amir said taking his sisters hands

"But Daddy I want to play with Ahmad", Princess Hadiza the second youngest among the four grumbled.

"Obey before complaining Hadiza, I need to have a talk with your father" The Queen scolded.

"come on Dije, don’t you want to see mummy", Zainab said pulling at her sister, they all felt the room leaving behind little Ahmad.

"Mother what is this I hear of you, banishing my young daughter to the east wing, you know that place is disserted and unfit for a baby’’, Umar said angrily at his mother, immediately the door shut behind his children.

"Do you know your so called daughter is an albino", the Dowager queen said irritated.

"enough with this superstitions mother, the innocent child have no control of that……”.

"Whether you or your wife believes it, the girl is a taboo and a bad omen" she said interrupting her son.

"she is nothing but bad luck, Umaru have I ever asked anything from you?", she asked taking a sit beside him again and placing a hand on his shoulders.

"Mother Albinism is a skin defect, stop giving it more meaning", the king complained looking at his mother.

”please Umaru yaro na, just do this for me, she will have everything a princess needs and she will be treated like one too"

"no mother, I won’t let your crude believes affect my child", the king said getting up to leave.

"Ok then I have no other choice, Umar, if you disobey me, I will never forgive you or your wife and I will curse that stupid child of yours”.

"Mother!" he said turning back to his mother, looking at her face, her mind was already made up.

"But I am not an evil person and I am also a mother, you and your wife would be allowed to visit her and on some occasion her siblings but you must all be cleansed after”.

"can you hear yourself mother", Umar said looking at his mother, for the first time he was truly seeing her for who she really was, he hissed and turned to leaving, banging her door hard behind him, he headed for the east wing, to go and welcome his baby girl into this crude world.

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