
208 28 1

11:26 am

Maikudi's office

The door opened and a drak skinned lady strutted in, in a black silk dress that hugged her figure in all the right places, her blood red painted finger nails curled around a matching purse, dark khol speared beautifully around her eyes, she wore a lipstick and heels similar to the color that painted her pretty slender fingers, beautiful was an understatement, she was gorgeous and seduction was spelt boldly as her middle name, God had blessed her with many things, money, beauty and lots more, but she lacked the most important thing ever, a heart and some might even say a soul.

Her cold brown orbs scanned the dimly lighted room and she located her husband behind his desk, she carelessly discarded her Gucci hand back on one of the sofas in the room and walked to him, taking a seat opposite her husband on one of the chairs at his desk.

The room was lavishly furnished, it spelt wealth in black bold letters, just like her husband to showoff all the money he had managed to steal over the years.

"Maryam I was expecting you two hours ago" Maikudi said in a low tone, the corners of his lips twitching in annoyance.

"a shame husband, you should know me by now, I have my own special time, I am not one of your whores that you can just boss around" she said giving him a sly smile.

"well now hurry it up, I am getting bored already" she finished feigning a yawn.

At this point Maikudi was ready to smack her across her face and watch with pleasure as blood tricked down her cheek, make her bleed for the disrespect, but not being one to allow his emotion govern his actions, he ignored his temptations.

"I need a favor' he grunted.

"Oh my God, Babagida Maikudi the great needs a favor" Maryam said clapping,

"Oh you would never guess how long I have been waiting for this day" she continued excitedly.

"settle down Maryam and let me finish".

"Oh don't worry I already know what you want husband" She said giving him one of those her beautiful evil smiles.

"oh pray tell, Maryam, what do you think I want?" Maikudi said sitting back.

"The Albino on Lawal's arms" she answered.
Maikudi stared at her for a while before responding,

"Hmm you almost got it, yes I do want her and her name is Salima and not the albino" Maikudi snared.

"What I want from you is to get Najib Lawal out of my way" he finished.

Maryam threw her head back and laughed, "I don't think you know who Najib Lawal is" she said sill chuckling.

"I might not know who he is, but I know who you are Maryam" Maikudi said standing up from his seat behind the desk and coming to sit on the desk beside her.

"what do I get for such a risky mission?" Maryam said eyeing him.

"50 million" Maikudi said diving into negotiations.

"Maikudi you and I know money isn't my problem, Lawal is a man that have tasted blood before and will not hesitate to sip mine like a good tasting wine. I will not put my neck on the line for measly fifty bucks, you can do better" she sneered.

Maikudi stared at her intently "you can't lie to me Maryam, maybe to yourself but not to me, I see the way your eyes sparkle, when you talk about Lawal, you like him" he said.

Maryam cleared her throat but didn't respond.

"ok let's have a deal, 50 million and an annulment of this farce of a marriage and our contract will be annulled, you are free from this marriage, deal?" Maikudi said putting out his hand.

"Deal" she said grasping his hand in a firm shake.

Same day

Queen Ramatu

"I can't stay away from the palace for too long, so I would be leaving tomorrow, do you understand me Dije?" Ramatu said eyeing her almost daughter in law cooly.

"yes, Insha Allah, I will try my best" Dije answered enthusiastically, eager to please.

"I don't need you to try Dije, I need your best, I don't understand how you allowed my son to basically fall into the arms of that white witch" Ramatu said gesturing agrily.

"All this wealth and power could have been yours, but instead that living, breathing bad luck got it all and the worst is, I think my Najib is falling for her, you will not allow that to happen will you?"

"Yes, yes I won't allow that to happen, Insha Allah, trust me Umma, I have a plan".

"I trust you, but don't disappoint me", Ramatu said before walking out the room.

"wallahi Salima, I will make you regret ever being born" Dije promised, a promise the deepest truest part of her knew she couldn't keep but a combination of greed and Ego was a terrible, terrible one.

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