Bad Omen

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Kastina state
The palace
Aisha's quarters

"What? What are you saying",queen Aisha said perplexed, "here, give my daughter to me", she said handing her son back to his grandmother; the boy began to cry due to the apparent loss of his food source.

The Midwife hesitated but, handed the child to her mother, Aisha held her daughter to her bosom, her baby had pale white skin, with strands of curly pale yellow hair scattered around her head, she stared up at her mother with startling sliver eyes, spotting an annoyed look, which made her mother smile, her baby was an Albino and she was beautiful, Aisha rearranged her daughter in her arms, to allow better access to her breast.

"And what do you think you are doing?", the Dowager Queen said giving her daughter in-law a nasty look.

Aisha gave her mother in law a confused look. "I am trying to feed her my Queen’’ she answered.

"Don’t even think about it" Queen Habiba scolded, "you want to feed that thing with, the same breast you use to feed the Prince?", she continued looking down at her granddaughter with disgust.

"Why not my Queen?  How else is she supposed to feed?”, Aisha asked confused

”I can see you are blind Aisha, can’t you see the girl is an Albino?”, Queen Habiba said eyeing her daughter in law.

"And so?" Aisha said angrily "my Queen don’t tell me you are one of those people with those superstitious believes?".

The Dowager Queen stared at her daughter in-law intensely, one could see the storm brewing within her, she cleared her throat, and diverted her attention back to the girl, "I don’t blame you Aisha, I blame it".

"not it! She my Queen she! She is human like me and you, and she Princess Salima Umar Shehu, she is my daughter and your granddaughter”, Aisha screamed in anger.

The Dowager stared at her silently and got up to her feet, her grandson still within the comforts of her arms,

"I am still the eldest in this household and my decision is binding, so Aisha do not get on my bad side or I will throw the girl out on the streets".
Queen Habiba said calmly staring down at her daughter in law.

"over my dead body" Aisha spat,
"Umar will never allow you do that to his child”

The dowager Queen raised one elegant well plucked eyebrow at Aisha amused, she let out a scoff, "watch me” she said to Aisha.

"Jakadiya!!’’ she screamed turning to the large black doors that constitute the entrance of the room.

The doors were open almost immediately and in came a woman in her late forties or early fifties, she was dressed in blue and black attire, and she immediately went down on both knees in front of the dowager Queen.

"my Queen may you live long” Jakadiya began showering Queen Habiba with praises.

"enough!” the Dowager Queen commanded, ”order the maids to clean up the east wing of the palace, everything a baby girl will need should be taken there and appoint some maids and tutors permanently to that wing and also some nannies and a wet nurse, and ensure that everything is ready by tomorrow and also before I forget prepare for a cleansing ceremony for myself, the little prince and Queen Aisha especially and also her Quarters”.

"consider it done, your highness” jakadiya said and turned to the younger Queen to pay her respects before stand up to leave, but was stopped by Queen Habiba.

"aren’t you forgetting something Jakadiya?” the dowager queen asked, causing the woman to look at her in confusion.

"take the albino with you and get a wet nurse to feed her and also keep this a secret, just a selected few should know" the Queen instructed.

"albino?.....” jakadiya asked in confusion, turning to look at the sleeping baby in the arms of the younger Queen, and for the first time she noticed the baby’s skin, she stared up at the mother in pity, then move to obey her master’s command.

"No!!" Aisha screamed hugging her baby tightly.

"What are you doing, take it away from her", the Queen commanded.

"Please, please it’s not her fault she was born this way, please my queen” Aisha pleading crying hysterically as her baby was plied out of her already weak arms.

She watched helplessly as her baby was taken away from her, while her body weakened by child birth wouldn’t obey her commands.

The Dowager Queen began to take her leave but stopped at the door "Your son will be returned to you after you have been cleansed and Aisha your insolence will not be forgotten".

"I don’t care, bring back my children’’ she lashed out trying to stand up but failing miserably.

Poor baby Salima 😵
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