A war in the enemy's camp; the voiceless.

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Mayam's office

11:47 am

Maryam's POV

Maryam eyed Dije from behind her desk, she pushed her chair, slowing standing up to walk to the other side of the desk where Dije was seated, stopping in front of her she leaned on the edge of her desk, staring down at the other woman with clear contempt and annoyance, she used a perfectly manicured, black painted finger nail to tap Dije's chin then lifting her head slowly to stare into her eyes.

"So what you mean to tell me worthless" Maryam drawled tsking, she hissed, going back around the desk to take her seat. "Get out", she snapped.

Dije got up, pushing her chair back in anger, "I would not be disrespected this way! By the way aren't you too old to be chasing after little boys?" Dije insulted.

"well, well, well" Maryam laughed, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her desk, she gave Dije and intense look, "seems our little girl has over grown her breeches" Maryam mused.

"Do you know who I am?" Dije boasted.

"Yes and I don't care" Maryam answered softly.

"You do not know who you are dealing with little, don't attempt to get on my bad side" Maryam warned coolly.

"threats!" Dije laughed, "all words and no action" she mocked, "good by old hag" she said before walking out and slamming the door behind her.

Maryam glared at Dije's departing back, something stirred deep within her, the unpleasant sound of finger nails scrapping wood soon filled the room, she looked down to inspect her handiwork, five long haphazard lines marked the wood, she inspected her newly manicured finger nails, softly blowing at them, tsking under her breath when she noticed a broken nail.

"She ruined my manicure, now I have no choice but to choice but to teach her a lesson" she sighed.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed Maikudi's number, he answered on the third ring. "what" he grunted.

"you will never change will you?" she mused.

"What do you want Maryam, do not waste my time" he hissed in annoyance.

"The plan failed, now can I commence plan B?, pretty please?" she pleaded, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Maikudi grunted in irritation, she was obviously to excited for his liking, "Yes, but behave, anything out of what we discussed and the deal is off" he threatened.

"ok, thank you" she attempted to say but her unduly ended the call before she could finish her statement, she stared down at the phone, shaking her head, a devious smile slowly forming on her pretty painted lips.

"Before plan B can fully commence, I will have to teach little Dije a lesson on how to speak or better yet how not to speak to her elders" she mused and laughed, with an insane look in her eyes. A maniac on the loose only reins one thing and one thing alone....havoc.


2 days later

Sterling hotel, Abuja

12:15 am

Dije turned off the shower, putting on a robe before she excited the bathroom, "Inallilahi" she screamed, jumping an inch or two.

"Come on, no need to act so unfamiliar" Maryam said helping herself to a seat.

"What are you doing in my room, you psycho?!" Dije screamed, walking of to the nightstand where the hotel's land line was kept.

"David" Maryam called, in a sing song voice, a huge muscular man, dressed in a black suit came forward, grabbing hold of her arm and roughly pulling her way, a flung her towards the bed, where she landed on her back but he forced her into a sitting position, making her face his apparent boss, Maryam. She was so carried away and schocked by Mayam's presence that she had missed the frightening man.

"What do you want?" Dije asked real fear creeping it's way into her system, suddenly her throat went dry and her limbs trembled, she had indeed made a deal with the devil.

"What do I want?" Maryam asked no one in particular, let out a laugh that very much resembles that of the evil witch of the west ; ugly and unpleasant to the ears.

"You know, I have thought about that a lot, what I truly want and I have found that I want a lot of things, there is actually no correct answer to that but to the topic at hand, first I thought with such disrespect comes death right? But that is too easy and boring I must say" Maryam said rabbling.

For the first time Dije noticed the insane look in the other woman's eye, how had she missed it? Maryam had such a cool calm exterior, but within she held something entirely different.

"please leave me alone you mad woman" Dije partially pleaded, holding down the urge to sob and beg for her life, her ego won't allow for such embarrassment.

"We had a deal Dije, you failed to deliver and even added disrespect to the failure, now, now, you made a deal with the devil, one which you couldn't up hold up to, so this devil here to collect a soul" Maryam said, nodding to Daivd.

David came forward grabbing hold of her legs onto the bed, forcing her into a lying position, Dije screamed and fought for dear life, fear swallowed her whole, the sobbing and pleading she had held back earlier on came gushing out, she begged, fought and screamed in no particular other.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic about it, you will ruin the fun, look I even dressed for the occasion" Maryam laughed gesturing at the pretty, black three quarter dress she wore paired with a pretty black six inch heel, black lace gloves and a pretty red lipstick.

Dije watched in terror as Maryam stood up from her chair with a fancy pocket knife in her hand and slowly made her way to the bed, very slowly, taunting her of how powerless she actually was and savoring the pleasure of her fear.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I told David to dump you at the nearest hospital after, so you will be fine, I just want your voice only". Maryam whispered as she crawled unto the bed, towards her while David held her down, he managed to totally immobilize her while also placing a hand over her mouth to keep her mute.

Dije felt the cool edge of the knife first before the pain as it pierce skin, Maryam had angled the knife right of over her vocal cord so expertly, too expertly if one must say. Dije's struggle intensifies as the pain became unbearable, she screamed but only muffled sounds came through, hot tears ran down her cheeks and soaked the bedsheets beneath her, she bed for God, then her Mama, her Dad, her siblings anyone to help her and stop the pain, she gave up and begged for death when it became apparent that no one is coming to her rescue, she felt warm liquid tickle down her throat and neck also soaking the bed beneath her, the last thing she saw before the darkness swamped all around her was the face of the monster her admiring her handiwork.


Please if there are mistakes bear with me, I will correct them tomorrow In Sha Allah, poor Dije

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