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“Sam, you’ve grown so thin. Are you even eating something?” Lily asked worriedly. If anything, mothers always seemed to think that you're never eating. 

But with Sam, it was true. He had stopped eating ever since he was turned. However, since he’d started living with Mark and Harry, he had to stuff morsels of food to avoid suspicions. The fact that Lily had noticed this broke his heart in a million pieces. She did treat him like a son. Even Molly too. And he never understood why. 

“No, Lily. I've been eating, it’s just that you see me after so long that you feel I'm thin,” replied Sam, hugging her back. 

“Nonsense. We’re having chicken lasagne for dinner and you can’t refuse that. No one of you can, for that matter,” said Lily, sternly looking around at the lot, who was sitting in the living room. 

“Like anyone of us would want to,” laughed Mark. Lily made a face and then said to the bunch of them, “All right you pack of morons, you guys are in the guest hall and no one can say anything about it.” 

The crowd erupted as the guest hall was the best bedroom they had and each one wanted the other one to have it. 

“The lady has said it and her word is final,” ordered James. Everyone finally gave up, for they knew arguing was futile. 

After eating all of them retired for the night, but no one slept, for every one was busy talking. Lily had to get up twice to get the sleep and the second she stood there to make sure they were asleep. Long after everyone was asleep, Sam finally snuck out of the room. He looked at everyone one last time. It was time to execute his plan.


Making his way out of the house, Sam focused on reaching a particular house: Rodriguez's. Using Google Earth led him to the mansion he was looking for. It was still the same, like the day he was turned all those years ago. He was supposed to do this all the next day, but he couldn’t bear to meet Scar’s parents and let the truth come out. 

No, he decided to take the easy way out. If everything worked out fine, he could probably have his old life back and if not, he could always run away and no one would ever find him. Reaching the mansion, he took a deep breath, a step forward, and finally knocked on the door, gathering every ounce of courage. 

The morning was just around the corner. Maybe this could be the new beginning he always wanted.


Around 6:00 a.m., Harry woke up, due to his habit of getting up early in the morning for studying. He looked around the room and found everyone else except Sam. He got up, checked the bathroom, terrace, every other place he could think about. He even called Sam’s phone, which started buzzing near his bed, awakening everyone else. Mark grunted, “Hey man, what’s wrong with you? We’re not in college right now.” “Shut up, Mark. Sam’s missing,” said Harry, trying to maintain his composure. “Wait, what do you mean he’s missing,” Ginny asked. “I mean, he wasn’t there when I woke up, looked for him everywhere, call his phone which, he left here,” rambled Harry, frantically waving Sam’s phone. “What do we do man?” Mark pulled his hair in frustration. Scar and Krys shared a look. Seeing them, Ginny asked, “What? Do you guys know where he went?” “We may have an idea where he might have gone,” said Scar, looking at Krys. “What do you mean?” asked Harry, perplexed. “To know what we mean, I think it’s time for all of you to hear the truth,” Krys said, throwing everyone in confusion. What did she mean by the truth?


“Before I start, you have to promise to not judge Scar and Sam. They were forced into these circumstances,” Krys started.

Scar interjected, “And not Krys either. None of this is anyone’s fault.” 

“Hey guys, can you cut this out and get to the point? Sorry for being rude, but I’m getting worried for Sam,” Ginny asked. 

“Yes, sorry. I’ll get on with it,” said Krystal and launched her story. “The first thing you should know is that Sam, Scar, and I know each other from way before.” 

Hearing this everyone erupted a million questions through their mind. Scar then said, “Guys, I know you have any questions, but all of them will be answered if you hear the whole story. Also, James and Lily are asleep. Let’s try not to wake them up.” 

Harry, Mark, and Ginny then decide to listen. “Krys continued, “Sam and Scar are siblings. Years before something very horrible happened to Sam, due to which he left his home, including his parents and Scar. He forged a new identity and so it was hard to find him. But Scar and her parents never lost hope. They knew that no matter what Sam wouldn’t leave the home without a reason. After many years of looking, finally, an informant told me that Sam was here. So, I joined forces with Scar and came here.” 

“What had happened to Sam? And how do you fit in the picture?” asked Mark, to which Harry nodded, indicating he had the same question. 

Krys gulped and said, “He was turned into a vampire. And it was because of me.”


“What!?” All three of them shouted in unison, and while Scar tried to shush them again, James and Lily were already wide awake and peeped into the room. 

“What are you guys doing up so early? And Where is Sam?” 

Mark replied, “Nothing, we just couldn’t sleep so we woke up and were just telling each other horror stories.” 

Harry added, “And yeah, Sam is out jogging. We’re going to go jogging with him after a while.” 

“Well, whatever you kids want to do,” sighed James, and the duo left. 

Krystal sighed with everyone else and then said, “Guys, please just listen to me, no questions and exclamations whatsoever. I know you guys think vampires aren’t real but they are real. Sam is one. He isn’t a full-grown animal, he just drinks blood.” 

Mark scrunched his nose, while Harry said, “So every time Sam left for bathroom in the middle of a class, he was actually….” Scar nodded in agreement. 

“All of this happened because of me. When I was 17, I ran away from my house because my parents were horrible members of a cult. I was important to them as a girl had to be sacrificed to the gods when she turned 18. When I ran away, I met Sam. I fell in love with him instantly,” Krys’s eyes glistened when she said those words. She regained her composure and continued, “But someone reported that Sam had kidnapped me. Like he could even think of doing such a thing. The police came and took me and Sam back to my house, where my father turned Sam into a vampire.” She broke after saying that. 

Scar continued, “I bet right now that’s where he’s headed. To Krys’s place. Where he was turned.” 

“Then let’s go. What are you waiting for?” Mark stood up with determination in his face. Harry stood up and nodded and picked up. Krys and Scar nodded along and all of them exited the house, saying goodbye to James and Lily, who were utterly perplexed as to why they wanted to go jogging so early in the morning.

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