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“Man, he’s good, isn’t he?” Sam exclaimed to Harry. They were at Mark’s football practise, one thing he’d taken seriously after getting his scholarship. They were joined in by Krystal and Scarlett, as they were having spares. Ginny, unfortunately, was having a class and promised Mark that she’d be there for the next practise. 

“Yeah, it isn’t surprising, is it?” replied Harry. He then nudged him to look towards Scarlett, who was beaming with pride. 

Krystal saw them looking at her and laughed, “Don’t mind, guys. She’s smitten by him.” 

“So is he,” smirked Sam. 

“Oh my god! Really?” exclaimed Krystal, to which Sam and Harry nodded, grinning. “You know, we’ve got to get them together, right?” Krystal said in the mock stern. 

The boys replied, “Consider the job done.” 

Suddenly Scarlett piped up, “What are you guys talking about?” 

“Just talking about how awesome Mark is,” replied Krystal. 

“I know, right!?” gushed Scarlett, to which Harry, Sam, and Krystal shared sly grins. 

After the game, they went up to Mark to congratulate him. 

“Hey, Mark, that was amazing,” Sam and Harry said, giving him a bro hug. 

“Yeah?” panted Mark, tired but radiant. 

“Absolutely. You were awesome. You’re gonna win this match,” gushed Scarlett. 

“You think so?” Mark asked, his face suddenly soft, and his voice genuine. Scarlett's face softened and for a moment they just stood there, staring at each other without saying anything. Seeing this, the rest three of them shared smiles. 

“Ahem,” coughed Sam to bring them out of their trance. This had two effects: - Mark and Scarlett jumped, looking thoroughly embarrassed, which prompted Krystal to hit him for ruining the moment. 

Harry laughed and said, “So, Mr. Athlete, want to come back to class?” 

“Yeah, just in a minute,” replied Mark, rubbing his neck in embarrassment, while Scarlett blushed furiously. 

As Mark went to the lockers to change, they all sat on the ground, chattering. Soon, Mark joined up and realizing they still had time they still sat. Soon, two burly looking man approached them. 

“Yoh, you know this girl, Krystal?” One of them said in a rough accent. Looking at them, they all stood up, Krystal, looking thoroughly terrified. 

“Umm… Yeah she’s this one,” replied Sam, pointing towards Krystal, who was fiercely clutching Scarlett. 

“There you are, girl. He’ s been looking for you,” he made an action to grab her, but Sam, sensing something was wrong, caught the guy’s hand. 

“What do you need her for?” 

The guy replied, “That’s none of your business, laddie,” and tried to grab Krystal again. But Sam caught his hand again and threw it backward, pulled Krystal behind him. 

“I am sorry. But she’s my friend. So, you can’t behave like this with her,” he said. 

The guy looked at him excruciatingly and said, “So you are the guy, huh? Interesting,” which made no sense to Sam. “And who do you think will stop me?” 

“I will,” said Sam. 

The guy came close to Sam, but his heavy hand on his shoulder and said, menacingly, “Look, boy. Don’t meddle in things you have no idea about. Or else the consequence will be beyond your limit.” 

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