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“Oh my god, oh my god, I can’t believe this is finally happening,” Krystal screamed with delight as the rest of them threw clothes about for the packing. 

The girls, being as organised humans could be, had finished packing 2 weeks ago, and arrived in the boy’s dorm, where the boys were still watching T.V. and doing nothing. On seeing the girls, they sprang up and stuffed everything that was nearest to them into a suitcase. 

“Done,” huffed Harry, zipping his bag. 

“Finally, too,” sighed Ginny, walking over to him to inspect his things. 

“You too, you’ve got to hurry up. We need to leave for the train in 20 minutes,” said Scarlett, checking the time. 

“And if we miss the train, I'm sure I'm going to kill you guys,” threatened Krystal, but her eyes glinted with excitement. 

“Don’t worry, sweetie, I'm done and Mark will only take another year to finish. We’ll be on time, I promise,” laughed Sam, kissing the top of Krystal’s head. 

“Hey, I'm not that bad,” Mark yelled indignantly. “That’s it. I'm done too. Let’s leave before I remember something else too,” finished Mark. 

Together they left the dorm. Though he was happy, he couldn’t swat away the feeling that this would be the last time they were together.


“Oh my God, Arthur! They’re here!,” yelled Molly at the top of her voice. She came running to greet the six of them, giving each one a bone-crushing hug, even Scarlett and Krystal, whom she’d never met. The four of them laughed as Scarlett and Krystal looked utterly perplexed at Molly’s behaviour. 

Sam, still laughing, moved towards them, put his hands around both of them, and said, “Not to worry, guys. She's always like this.” 

They both relaxed and smiled at him. At that moment Molly came back with her husband, Arthur. Both of them pulled the six of them into the living room and threw their bags aside. When Krystal and Scarlett tried to protest, Mark said loudly, “No use, Scar,” which brought out a laugh from everyone. 

Then Molly started, “Oh my god, it's so good to see you guys again. Fred and Charlie are out at work,” she said as soon as she saw Ginny open her mouth. 

“I see you haven’t lost your mind-reading ability, Molly,” grinned Sam. 

To this, Molly replied, “Oh, sweetheart, turn sixty and that'll happen to you too.” 

Arthur then asked, “And who are these two beautiful girls?” gesturing at Scarlett and Krystal. 

Ginny replied on behalf of them, saying, “Dad, these are my new friends, Krystal and Scarlett. They just joined recently.” 

“Bet you're scared of Molly,” joked Arthur, which earned a few laughs.

Suddenly, the main door burst open, revealing a guy in his mid-40’s with his arm wrapped around a pretty girl. “Oh my god, Fred!!!” Ginny screamed and bolted out to hug him. 

“Hey, guys. How you doin’?” Fred shook hands with the guys, while Charlie hugged the girls. 

“Well, we’re fine. Tell us about you,” said Harry. 

“Well, the shop me and Fred opened has been a success lately,” replied Charlie enthusiastically. 

“Really? We have to visit it,” replied Krystal, clapping her hands. 

“Yeah, Ginny has told us so much about you and your shop,” said Scarlett earnestly. 

“Yeah, that’s all she can talk about,” said Sam in mock irritation. 

“Yeah, tell me about it,” joined in Harry, which earned him a punch from Ginny, while others laughed. Looking around at all the happy faces, Sam mentally counted the hours till this would all end.


The next morning, all of them got up a little early as they wanted to explore the countryside. After some time, they all came back for breakfast. They entered the kitchen and were attacked by mouth-watering delicacies. 

Molly was just cleaning and saw them, and said, “I was waiting for you. I figured you went for a walk, so by the time you would return, you'd be hungry, so I pre….” She was cut off when all six of them hugged her. 

“Thanks, Molly. It feels good to have a mother,” said Krystal, her voice breaking. 

Even Sam agreed. He never admitted it out loud, but Molly, Arthur, James, and Lily gave him the love he never deserved. And for that, he’d always be indebted to them. 

“Okay, enough with the crying. I want you guys to eat every morsel because after this we’re going to Fred and Charlie’s shop,” said Molly, in the mock stern. 

“Really?” The girls chorused in unison and gave her another hug. Finally, they all sat for breakfast. They were joined by Arthur, Fred, and Charlie. They all joked around the table. All Sam could do was smile fondly and sadly at them.


All they could do was gape in astonishment. As Fred and Charlie had recently opened their shop, so no one had been to their shop before. It was a multi-store. It had clothing sections, electronics sections, libraries, etc. It was like a dream come true. 

The girls rushed into the fashion section, Harry and Mark went to the gadgets and Sam headed alone towards the library as Arthur had work and Fred and Charlie had to take care of the customers. After an hour, all of them emerged with 2-3 bags of all kinds of stuff that Fred and Charlie had insisted on giving them for free. Even after buying so much, none of them wanted to leave. 

Sam, however, was eager to reach home so that he could read the books he bought. Who knows whether he’d be able to do that after this?


“So, Scarlett darling, tell me about your family, dear,” Molly asked. They were all eating dinner. At that question, Sam nearly choked but managed to cover it up. 

“Oh, Molly, they’re the best. My mom is a very ambitious yet down-to-earth woman. Her main focus is on art. My dad loved cooking from a very young age, so naturally, he had to become a chef. My brother… My brother is my world. 5 years ago, he went abroad for a job. He hasn’t come back, but we keep talking,” said Scarlett, dreamily. 

It was obvious how much she loved her family. Mark hugged her close and said, “He’ll come back.” 

Scarlett looked up to him and said in a hopeful voice, “I know he will.” And it was all Sam could do to keep himself from crying.


They all had to squeeze in Ginny’s old room because on the downside, the Thomas’s had fewer rooms. The boys had downright shouted down the offers of Molly and Arthur’s offers to sleep in the living room. The girls slept on the bed and the boys made peace on the floor. 

They didn’t sleep, however. They spent the main part of the night talking. And finally, when sleep came to the five of them, Sam slipped quietly in the bathroom. He unwrapped the bottles and drank the blood he collected from the countryside while no one was looking. However, while he drank, he knew this would be the last time he drank it. He came back and smiled fondly at the five of them, and lay down, thinking, I'm going to miss you guys.

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