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"Do you guys have to go soon?" cried Molly, dabbing her eyes. They were all packed to head to the airport from where they would go to Mark's dad, Michael's place.

"Oh, come on, Molly, do you want us to be sad on our holidays?" Harry wrapped his arms around her and asked. Molly whimpered a very quiet no.

"Then, please don't be sad. You know we won't be happy knowing you're not," Krystal said, hugging her too.

"I'm not sad. I'm just going to miss you guys. You guys just came, stayed for 5 weeks, and went again. I want to see you more often," said Molly, wiping her tears.

"Aww, Molly, we promise the moment we finish our studies, we'll become unemployed and stay with you for the rest of our life," replied Mark, which resulted in Molly giggling.

And finally, all of them left one by one, kissing Molly on the cheek and Arthur a hug. Sam lingered a few seconds longer, getting his last look of Molly and Arthur. Who knows whether they'd even want to see him afterward?


The airport was always his favourite part of the trip. He always carried extra money with him, because he always knew he wouldn't be able to resist all the new books and food. And when you're travelling with your friends it's double fun.

They all were in favour of eating McDonald's and ice creams from Baskin Robbins. He took Chocolate Mousse Royale as always, while Krystal took Pralines & Cream, while the others took their usual choices.

It was just a few hours until they reached Scarlett's home. Only a few hours until they reach California. Sam couldn't help dreading the thought of reaching there. Never had he been so sure of what he had to do, yet with every passing moment, he was scared at the prospect. He shook his head, thinking 'You decided this, you can't back down'.

He looked beside him; Krystal was talking about something to the rest of the group. He put his hands around her and kissed her head. Krystal was caught off-guard but returned the gesture by hugging him back.

"Geez, Sam, get a room," said Mark, shielding his eyes, while Scarlett punched him. Sam didn't reply; he couldn't care to. He wanted to spend his remaining time with Krystal. He was so immersed that he didn't even feel the burning sensation which he usually felt near Krystal.


They finally boarded the plane. This time, since their seats were in a pair of 3, the boys sat together, while the girls sat behind them. Harry, Sam, and Mark watched the same movies starting at the same time. When they'd finished, they wanted to re-watch the old episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

"Hey guys, don't you think we're like them?" Mark asked, gesturing to the group.

"Yeah, sure. I think you're Joey," laughed Harry.

"Hey, I'm not a womaniser. Just because you guys don't go out with girls doesn't mean I'm a womaniser. I'm just having fun," argued Mark.

"Don't let Scar hear the last part," sniggered Sam. Mark hit him with a pillow, which prompted Harry to laugh. "Mark, stop hitting me, or else I swear I'll tell Scar," came Sam's muffled screams, which attracted the girls, as well as a few grumpy people, who went about tutting about 'lack of discipline... youngsters.... These days.'

"Tell me what?" asked Scarlett, peeking from above.

"Uhh...," started Harry, while Mark was shooting fire-laced daggers at Sam.

"Mark wants to know who was your first boyfriend, and does he have competition," finished Sam, looking at the dumbstruck faces of Harry and Mark.

"Oh, come on, Mark. My first boyfriend was not even human. I just went out with for some weeks because I was young and he helped me in French," replied Scar, waving her hand in dismissal.

"Wow, Scar I didn't know you were a user," said Ginny, making everyone laugh, except Krystal, who didn't find that amusing for some reason.

"People usually aren't what they seem. At least I have the strength to accept that in front of people I love," replied, Scarlett, solemnly and Sam swore she looked at him directly.

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