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“It’s gonna be okay,” he said to the girl who shivered in the cold, with tears glistening on her beautiful face. “We’ll find your parents. Don’t worry. Till then come along to my house.” 

The girl looked unsure, “Are you sure?” 

“100%,” he replied firmly. As he led her towards his house, Eric was watching them silently. He had been waiting for a chance to take revenge on Sam ever since he had got him expelled for changing records in the principal’s computer and this was it. He fished out the wad of a newspaper whose headline read, ‘YOUNG GIRL OF 17 MISSING’ with the same girl’s picture. He quickly dialed the hotline provided and told them immediately to reach Sam’s place and told them Sam had tried to kidnap the girl. 

As soon as they reached Sam’s place, they saw him with the girl and immediately pulled the girl apart and pinned him down. Sam looked utterly bewildered and the girl looked horrified. The police dragged both of them to a mansion, ignoring Sam’s pleas of innocence and the girl’s protests. They reached a mansion whose name board read, ‘THE RODRIGUEZ'S’. 

Both Sam and the girl were hurled inside in front of an important-looking woman who scooped the screaming girl and handed her over to another woman who rushed inside. Then the important-looking woman turned to the police and said, “Thank you, officers. You may leave. We can and we want to deal with this matter on our own.” 

The police saluted her and left the mansion. After the police left, a man came out and roared, “How dare you touch my daughter?” Sam tried to explain but was again cut off. “I’ll show what happens to boys who do this,” 

The man roared again and suddenly everything turned blindingly white. And after that moment Sam’s life never remained the same.

A/N: And that's the start. Hope you guys liked it enough to stick with it for the rest of the story. Constructive criticism is welcomed but hate comments are not. Hope you enjoy this ride.

Until next time,
Peace out,

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