Chapter 1: Everything is Perfect. Well, it Was

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It had been one year since Gaea had been defeated, one glorious year. Things were looking up for Percy Jackson. He had an amazing girlfriend, and there had been no new quests. For the first time in his life, Percy felt at peace. Yes, everything was perfect.

Percy was in the arena training some younger campers, something he loved doing. "Here, this should work better," Percy said as he adjusted the stance of the small Hermes boy in front of him. "Now try the move I showed you." The young boy did a small downwards swing on the dummy, and didn't fall off balance like he did before. "Great job!" Percy cheered as the child beamed up at him. "Keep this up and you'll be a better swordsman than me."

As he moved on to another camper Percy looked out of the arena and noticed a certain blonde-haired girl walking by. "Annabeth!" Percy shouted, waving at her. She glanced his way briefly before speeding up and walking away. Weird, Percy thought. She usually waves back. Oh well, must be busy. With that Percy turned his attention back to the class he was teaching.

#      #      #

Weeks passed, and Percy saw Annabeth less and less. Whenever he would try to ask her if something was wrong, Annabeth would always say that she was just "really busy". Of course, Percy accepted this, Annabeth was the Official Architect of Olympus after all.

Percy was trudging back to his cabin after the nightly campfire, wondering what his friends were doing. Frank, Hazel, Jason, and Piper were all at Camp Jupiter, while Leo was missing and presumed dead. Of course, Nico was with his dad in the Underworld and Thalia was with the Hunt, so he didn't see his cousins very often. He wished they were here.

"Hey, Percy!" a voice called from behind, interrupting him from his thoughts. When he turned around Percy could see who was running up to him. "You doing okay, you seem down lately?"

"Hey Jacob," Percy replied. "I'm fine, just miss everyone right now. Everybody just seems so distant these days."

Jacob nodded. "Ya, I noticed. Things must be busy at Camp Jupiter, I guess. Anyways, we should probably go to bed. Just know, I'll always be there for you. So if you need to talk, or just hang out, come find me."

"Thanks," Percy said, flashing a small smile. "G'Night."

"'Night!" Jacob tossed over his shoulder as he walked away.

It was nice to know that at least one friend wasn't too busy to talk. Walking into Cabin 3 Percy quickly collapsed on his bunk and fell asleep. Luckily, dreams didn't haunt him that night.

The next morning Percy rose and went to breakfast. For once, he was one of the first people there. Of course, the Apollo cabin was there in its entirety, so he waved to Jacob as he went to sit down. Percy had asked Jacob once why the Apollo kids were always the first to breakfast, and Percy about died when he heard the answer. As it turns out, every morning their dad blast loud music to wake up his kids so they can see their dad drive the sun across the sky.

After breakfast Percy noticed that most of his friends still weren't around, so he decided to take Jacob up on his offer to hang out. Percy wandered for a bit before finding Jacob walking towards the canoe lake. He started walking towards him, but stopped once her realized that Jacob wasn't alone. It looked like Jacob was going to hang out with his girlfriend.

Before Percy could turn to walk away, Jacob called out to him. "Hey Percy, want to come to the lake with us? We were going to go canoeing!"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother you guys."

"You wouldn't be a bother," Jacob's girlfriend said as they walked over to Percy. "You're one of my best friends, and we love hanging out with you. Besides, we were actually looking for you."

Percy blushed a bit. "Thanks Hannah, that means a lot right now."

With that said, the trio made their way down to the lake, laughing and joking all the way.

After paddling around in their canoe for a while the group found themselves in the middle of the lake just hanging out.

"Percy, are you and Annabeth doing okay?" Hannah asked. "I never see you two together anymore."

Percy got a sad look on his face. "Ya, she's just been really busy lately."

Deciding not to press any further they drifted in silence for a while, before the conch horn signalled that it was time for lunch.

#      #      #

A couple more weeks passed, and things only seemed to get worse for Percy. A few days after the canoe ride Piper and Jason returned from New Rome, but they seemed to want nothing to do with him. Sometimes, they would even openly glare at him. This mood seemed to spread to the rest of the camp like wildfire, and pretty soon Percy felt all alone. The only people who seemed to want anything to do with him were Jacob and Hannah. They didn't seem to know what was going on either, it was like the whole camp knew a big secret. Well, everyone except for the three of them.

One night after taking a late night canoe ride with Jacob and Hannah Percy returned to his cabin, only to find it completely trashed. All of his stuff was thrown everywhere. His furniture was tipped over, mattress cut open, his minotaur horn stuck in the doorframe. That was when Percy noticed the writing. Above the bed where he usually slept five words were sloppily painted. It was fresh too, the paint was still wet and dripping down the wall. WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID

A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter, but I wanted to take the time to establish some new characters and start to separate Percy from the camp. Let me know what you guys think!

I hope anyone who reads this has a nice day!

Edit; August 19, 2020: Some minor changes to formatting and added the chapter cover.

Edit; September 6, 2020: Noticed a small, ah, plot hole. Don't worry, it's all patched up now!

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