7.✍@seasidestyles✍ ON the seaside

Start from the beginning

 I get confused when I play piano and this hunger is killing me *groans*  mom I m gonna die! *mom comes running* what hap... wait I was on the seaside right oops sorry so here is next .

Me: What is next for you on wattpad? New stories? Sneak peeks?? What do you think of the wattpad community??

Tess: Next for me on wattpad is just writing more stories. I currently am writing two at once (which is a bit difficult, but fine) and I have three to four others planned. I enjoy the wattpad community for the most part, but especially when people take time to comment analytical and deeper comments searching for the true meaning in my writing. Discussing what writing really means is one of my favourite things on this site.

My hunger will kill me on day !! and yes writing is ultimately yummy *tess glares* umm what I meant was that writing is delicious *gets a smack on head from bff* -_- ok here is the next question

Me: What would you like to say to your fans??

 Part 2: Do you have a specific name for your fans??

Tess. I wouldn't say that I have fans, because I'm the same age or younger than most of them, so I'd just refer to them as friends or readers. But if I could say something to them, I'd say thank you for reading my work and supporting me! I couldn't be more grateful. And no, I don't have a specific name for them because I'm not a celebrity and I don't have fans. I just have a lot of friends from around the world who like to read my stories.

Aww now that's sweet  isn't it tess *blushes* thanks.. give me a drink plz I m gonna get fried here.

Me: Do you ever regret writing something and then putting it here?? Explain why

Part 2 Do you want to be a published writer??/ If no then what do you wants be?? And why

Tess: no, I don't necessarily regret posting any of my work here, but I definitely feel that I can improve. I'm young and I have plenty of writing I'm going to do in my life, these stories I'm posting here now are bound to be amateur. I definitely want to be a writer in the future; it's been my dream since I was really little.

Regret,pain all are a part of life but what is optional is how we suffer from it. ok tess stop laughing and yeah I know I am next shakespare.

Me: What is the weirdest idea that developed into story?? Name you biggest wishes in the world? /

Tess: I'd say evergreen, considering that the basic idea for it came to me in a dream. My biggest wish in the world right now is to just be happy with myself and try to stay positive.

The first time I read the title I was like evergreen forests I learned about them today does harry falls in love with them?? Ik stupid thing to think of !

Me: What scene of a book or an entire book has left a really big impact on you? Why and how???

Tess: the book Rebecca by Daphne du mariner left an enormous impact of me when I read it last may. I hadn't read anything of the sort before and I had found myself thinking about the closing events of the story weeks and months after I had finished reading it. I definitely recommend the story to anyone who hasn't read it.

There might be many books I m confused.

Me: Explain you dream and perfect -

Kind of personal.


Best friend


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