29 - Assistant Yoongi

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"Kook, hand me that folder please," Yoongi calls out softly causing the bunny hybrid to avert his attention from the binder sitting in his lap. Jungkook quickly fumbles to grab the patient's file and hands it to the feline before watching two figures disappear down the hallway. When Yoongi returns to the younger male's side, the bunny hybrid has gone back to burying his nose into his court notes.

"You've been studying all day long. I'm surprised your brain hasn't exploded yet," the older male muses while leaning over to get a quick glance at his notes.

"It feels like it's about to explode," Jungkook groans before throwing his head back and letting out a long huff.

"How many times have you reviewed everything in this binder?"

"It's my fourth time going through it," Jungkook murmurs as he runs a hand over his face.

"Geez kid, take it easy on yourself," Yoongi chuckles. "I think you know everything extremely well. Stop stressing yourself."

"I know," the bunny sighs. "I just don't want to go back," he adds in a whisper so soft Yoongi almost misses the statement even with his heightened hearing capabilities. The older male's gaze softens upon hearing Jungkook's confession and he gingerly places a hand on the bunny hybrid's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Kook. We're all going to make sure you never go back," Yoongi reassures the younger male with a soft gummy smile. Jungkook turns to look at him with a glint of hope in his eyes and he quickly beams at the older hybrid with a wide smile.

"Thank you."

"Now, how about you take a break from studying?" the feline hums while pulling the binder out of Jungkook's grasp.

"Oh, can I try checking in the next patient by myself?" the bunny hybrid asks in a hopeful tone. Yoongi eyes the younger male with shock evident in his features.

"Are you sure?"

"I need to practice speaking to strangers if I want to do well in court next week," Jungkook adds. Yoongi purses his lips in contemplation. The bunny does make a good point. Plus, it won't hurt him to take a short five-minute break.

"Sure," the cat hybrid ends up nodding. "Just remember I'm right here if you need help."

"Thanks, Yoongi," Jungkook beams at the older hybrid. "Don't worry, I think I've got this. I've watched you do it like a hundred times by now."

"Hey, now don't go replacing me in my job now," Yoongi jokes eliciting soft chuckles from both hybrids. "You've really matured these past few months, Kook," he adds with a more serious yet fond tone.

"I think so too." Jungkook turns to smile at the cat hybrid. "Y/N taught me to believe in myself."

"She's definitely a keeper, kid," Yoongi chuckles, patting a hand softly against Jungkook's upper back. The bunny hybrid tilts his head to the side in confusion at the elder's words. The statement seems rather straightforward but he can't help but feel as if Yoongi were trying to hint at something deeper. However, he quickly shakes away the thought when a new patient walks in through the door with his owner.

Jungkook turns to glance at Yoongi timidly and gulps audibly. The cat hybrid sends him another gummy smile and a small thumbs-up, causing a surge of confidence to roll through Jungkook's body.

"H-hi, welcome! You're here to see Dr. Kim for your 4:30 appointment, correct?" Jungkook greets with a shy smile before ducking his head down to check the monitor for the afternoon schedule. Despite his timidness, his words come out confident as he recites the words he's heard Yoongi recite daily.

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