42 - Babe

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You stare at your cell phone in horror as you listen intently to the audio recording Jungkook just sent you. A deafening pop of what sounds like human ligament tearing causes you to jump from your seat and you quickly clasp a hand across your mouth in shock. A door slams shut and you hear the sound of fabric sliding against wood until a soft thud echoes through your phone's speakers.

"Y/N," Jungkook whimpers. "Help."

The recording is cut off with a final thump of the bunny hybrid's thumb hitting the screen of his phone and it takes a moment for you to process the five-minute-long audio you just listened to.

The moment the recording began with Ezekiel's voice saying 'perfect, you're just in time' your stomach had dropped with a bad foreboding feeling. But now, having listened to the entire conversion that had taken place between Jungkook, Ezekiel, and Sora, you want nothing more than to have the bunny hybrid back in your arms where you can protect him from any harm that comes his way.

"J-Jin," you croak out as you glance around your office frantically. Your brain seems to be sending delayed neural signals to your body as you stumble from your desk to your office door. "Jin!"

At the sound of your loud shriek, all three males in the clinic are sprinting down the hallway towards your office. When they arrive at the scene, their pupils are blown wide in alarm - scanning around your surroundings for any signs of danger.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Seokjin asks. He examines your shaken form with his lips pursed into a pout and eyebrows scrunched together in worry.

"J-Jungkook just- he just-" you stutter, mind-numbingly blank as you try to summarize everything that just happened. "Listen."

At a loss for words, you quickly press the play button for the audio and allow the three males to listen to it. The world around you spins nauseatingly as you listen to the recording for a second time; so much so you barely notice Namjoon baring his teeth and growling down at your phone or Yoongi scowling with the fur on his tail puffed up as the appendage swishes angrily behind him.

"I knew this son of a bitch was a piece of disgusting belly button lint," Yoongi berates once the audio finishes playing.

"So help me, I am going to go over there right now, and give Ezekiel and Sora a piece of my mind," Namjoon fumes.

"Guys," Seokjin scolds before anyone can spit out any more comments. "I know we all want to march over to that bastard's house to give them a piece of our minds. But we shouldn't and we can't. Remember Jimin's plan?"

"I know how badly you want to get Jungkook out of there, Y/N," Jimin had sighed into his line of the phone call. The young officer had been enjoying dinner with his pups when you called him after receiving Jungkook's text about Sora being Ezekiel's 'boss' to explain the new turn of events."Trust me; I wish I could just go bust down Ezekiel's door right now and get him myself. But we don't have enough evidence."

"But, Jimin! Jungkook told me over FaceTime that Ezekiel has been easily irritated recently - something's changing and I don't like it. I really don't want to wait to find out either. I refuse to sit here and do nothing when he's possibly in danger.

"I know, Y/N. But-"

"He also texted me about Sora! Surely we can use the text message as evidence!" you continued to argue, cutting Jimin off. But deep down, you knew Jimin was correct.

"Yes, the text can be considered evidence. But the higher-ups won't accept your claim of Jungkook telling you something over FaceTime as evidence - not with our given circumstances, at least," Jimin explained. "And now with Chief breathing down my back, we really need all the indisputable evidence we can get."

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