14 - Feline Discrimination

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The past few weeks have been a comfortable routine for everyone. For you, it's been a constant flow of showing up early to the clinic, seeing your patients, closing the clinic, and going home just to repeat the same schedule the next day.

Hoseok has been staying home with Taehyung more often now since Jungkook seems to be settling into his new routine at the clinic. The bunny hybrid would even help Yoongi with the patients' files on the days Hoseok stayed home.

Ever since the incident with the black panther hybrid, Jungkook has been rotating between staying at your apartment, Jimin's house, and Seokjin's house. However, this past week, he's been choosing to stay with you every night.

The two of you have definitely gotten closer. The first couple of nights the bunny hybrid stayed over at your apartment, he was very quiet and mainly stayed in the guest room. More recently, however, he stays to chat with you in the kitchen while you're preparing meals, sits on the couch to watch some shows with you before bedtime, and sometimes he even gets up early to make the two of you breakfast before heading out to the clinic.

You smile at these simple, yet fond memories. You're starting to grow attached to Jungkook and you can't imagine what your daily life would look like without him. Come to think of it, your life before meeting a certain bunny hybrid seems like a distant memory. 

"And we're closed for the day," Yoongi sighs out happily as he flips the open sign to close.

"You dramatic cat," Seokjin snorts as he walks into the front room from the hallway. "You literally have the easiest job out of all of us."

"Hey, dealing with people all day is tiring, okay? Sometimes people are rude and I have to stand my ground and defend this clinic," the cat hybrid pouts.

"I deal with people too! I'm literally a doctor," the older male scoffs in disbelief. 

"Yeah, but they're nice to you because you help them feel better and save their lives. But sometimes people give me shit just because they don't get an appointment time they wanted."

"I know you work very hard. Thank you, Yoongs," you coo, beckoning him over so you can scratch behind his ears. As Yoongi lets out a string of purrs, Hoseok and Jungkook walk into the front room and you smile at the two.

"I taught Jungkook a dance this afternoon!" Hoseok exclaims giddily.

Jimin had realized Hoseok is exceptionally talented at dancing pretty quickly after the hybrid warmed up to him and Taehyung. The officer had caught the dog hybrid dancing around in the kitchen while he was washing the dishes one night. The same week, Jimin surprised Hoseok by taking him to a dance class. To say the dog hybrid was happy is an understatement. Hoseok loved the class so much, he begged Jimin to take him back the next week and the week after that. Needless to say, Hoseok had been attending dance classes at least once every week since then. 

"Oh, let's see it, Jungkook!" Seokjin claps excitedly. "Hobi tried to teach me how to dance once. Let's just say I prefer being a doctor over dancing."

"Oh, I'm not that good. I just started learning today," Jungkook mumbles bashfully.

"Nonsense, Kookie," Hoseok playfully growls. "You're naturally talented. Show them! I'll dance with you."

The Golden Retriever hybrid pulls out his phone and starts playing a song before setting the device down on the front counter. His tail starts to wag quickly in excitement and a huge smile breaks out on his face. However, in a matter of just one beat, the canine hybrid's happy demeanor resolves into a focused - and rather intimidating - look.

As the beats of the music continue to the main chorus, Hoseok starts to count off softly.

"Five, six, seven, eight," he nods with each count. After count eight, the two hybrids break out into a perfectly choreographed routine that hits each beat perfectly.

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