Just us... (Sora x princess reader)

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You were talking to Riku about tomorrow

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You were talking to Riku about tomorrow. "I can't wait!" You said. You were a little worried but because Sora was coming with you. So all worry was washed away. "___ whatcha doin?!" Sora asked. And in another world somewhere a girl put down a newspaper,looked around and frowned. "I was just talking to Riku about tomorrow." You said. The raft was almost done and then you could leave. "Yeah and maybe we can visit your home world." Sora said. "Yeah..." You said frowning. A part of you didn't want to leave here...it was just so beautiful. You would miss the ocean and sunset. However you would miss your friends a whole lot more. "If...we leave here..will we come back?" You asked sitting on the tree next to Sora. "Yeah!" He said looking at you. "That's good. Because I like it here! To be honest I love sitting here with...all of you...." You said looking at him. "___ is there something wrong? You're saying some really weird stuff..." Sora asked. "I...I think I'm nervous about tomorrow." You said. Something bad was going to happen you had nightmares about it. You didn't want to cause worry so you didn't tell him. "We're going to be okay! We have each other." He said. You nodded. "Right...Sora thank you." You said feeling a little better. He nodded his head.

You all went home and said good bye. But you still didn't feel good about tomorrow. You tried to sleep but you couldn't. "What is wrong with me?" You asked turning to lay on your side. "We're going to be okay! We have each other." Sora's voice ran through your ears. "He's...right. What am I worrying about?" You asked sitting up. "A storm?!" You asked looking out the window. You quickly changed and went to the island. You looked around. "Who is that?" You asked as you saw someone in a brown coat. You took a deep breath and followed him into the secret place. You couldn't hear him well. Because you were very careful that he didn't see you. You tried to get a little closer but if you did he would see you. Then he suddenly disappeared. You walked up to the mysterious door. It was brown and didn't a knob. "I never payed to much attention to it. You pushed it only to get a really weird feeling. You felt cold and dizzy. "___are you okay?" Sora asked. "Sora? Is that....you.." You whispered. He helped you up only to have you disappear. "____!" He yelled not understanding what was going on.

"____ come on! We have to get out of here!" Goofy said. "But....Sora..." You said looking down. You remembered what he did. When you opened your eyes he smiled and disappeared. You tried to catch him but he was gone. You looked around at the large groups of heartless surrounding you. To be honest you didn't want to leave. A heartless looked at you with wide eyes. "Is that? It can't be....Sora? Is that you?" You asked looking at the heartless. It wasn't hurting you. "Don't worry! I'll save you this time!" You said. The heartless were about to attack. "Sora I won't let them hurt you!" You whispered crying. You hugged the heartless tightly. You felt someone hug you back and stroking your hair. "____....don't cry...please don't..." Someone said. Your mind was playing tricks on you. You knew that this was a dream. It had to be. There was no way that this was Sora. You didn't want to open your eyes. "____it's okay now...I'm here." Sora said. You didn't want this dream to come to an end. You wanted Sora to come back. You slowly opened your eyes to see him smiling at you. "Sora!" You smiled. "Thank you ____." He said letting you go. Then more heartless showed up. Sora summoned some sort of key. "Stay right here ____." Sora said bringing you to the library. You heard a click sound before you sat down to read. "What's this?" You asked frowning. It was a photo of you in a pretty dress. Part of the page was missing so you couldn't see your mom and dad. "Princess _____ at age three?" You asked looking at the young princess. You knew what happened that night. The heartless attacked your home and somehow you ended up at the islands. You sighed while frowning. You didn't know what to do.

"____ they got the ship ready. We have to leave!" Sora said coming in. He grabbed your wrist. You backed up. "I'm....not leaving!" "____the heartless are everywhere. I can't lose you again!" Sora said coming closer. "I know who I am now Sora!" You said. He looked at you confused. "I can't leave them...." You whispered crying. Your people were here and they were hurting. "I don't understand." Sora said frowning. "I'm a princess Sora! A princess!" You yelled. You were still taking it all in. "Yeah I knew that. I had to release your heart." "No...I'm a real princess! This is where I live! They....took my family and friends...." You began to cry. "I'm sorry..." He said looking at you. "It's not your fault Sora...." You said. He held out his hand. "We'll save your home I promise...just please come with me." He said. You slowly nodded and went with him.

You were standing in the water away. "I knew that you would be here." Sora said smiling. You fiddled with your good luck charm fixing anything that was loose. "Hey." You didn't know what to do when this was all over. Do you go back to the islands or go back home?  "What do I do?" You asked him. "Do I go back to the islands?" "I can't tell you what to do ____." Sora said. "I know. I would love to go back to the islands with the three of you..." You stopped and looked down. Riku was gone the darkness took his heart. "We'll figure this out! We always do!" Sora said smiling. "Yeah!" You said nodding. "But...if I do leave. Promise me that you'll come and visit." "I promise!" Sora said. You handed him the good luck charm. "Good. Here I want you to have this.... It's my good luck charm. So please bring it back to me." You smiled. "Don't worry I will!" He said smiling. "We'll be together always!" You said.

As Sora brought you back to the small house the two of you were walking holding hands. You didn't want to forget these moments with him.

Sora x reader ones shots (Taking requests!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang