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 (A/N: Thank you Lovely Diamond 500 for giving me this idea

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(A/N: Thank you Lovely Diamond 500 for giving me this idea.)

You ran up to master Xehanort. "Let Kairi go!" You yelled. "I'm afraid that I can't do that." He said. "Why not?!" You yelled. You were sick of this. Not only is he messing around with a Kingdom Hearts but he was going to tear Kairi away from Sora. You couldn't let that happen. Sora and Kairi were meant for each other. You could see it and feel it. "Xehanort take me instead!" You yelled at him. You would anything for Sora. Because he was your best friend. You didn't quite understand why you cared about him so much. But that didn't matter because you were going to save Kairi. "Where is Kairi?!" Sora yelled joining you."Please Xehanort!" You begged while running up to the old master. Sora looked at you in a certain way that screamed I love you. Xehanort pushed a Kairi off the cliff and Riku caught her. "We have a deal ____." He said. You felt a sharp pain in your chest before feeling your senses went completely numb. "Sora....you can be happy..." You whispered. You heard someone scream you name before you close your eyes.  Sora couldn't believe at what you did. Part of him didn't want to believe that you were gone. "If I only said those words! If only I wasn't so afraid of telling her!" Sora cried hitting the ground.


Sora sat on the tree at the islands. He didn't know what to say to you. He loved you so much and he couldn't keep it bottled up anymore. But the poor sixteen year old couldn't find the words to say. "____ your the most beautiful girl I've ever met and also the nicest. You don't care about how others think about you and I-I love you." He said to himself. "No! That sounds dumb! Why is this so hard?!" Sora yelled. "Why is what so hard?" You asked approaching your spiky haired friend. "Nothing!" Sora yelled blushing. "Are you worried about this huge battle coming up?" You asked. "Y-you got me! The Organization has new members that we haven't faced before." Sora said smiling. He was so nervous telling you how he felt. "But that doesn't sound like you....though. Nothing worries you Sora." You said looking at him. "Let's not talk about me! Let's talk about you!" Sora said. "Me?" You asked. "Yes! Let's talk about you. Do you like ice cream?" Sora blurted out. "Stop it Roxas!" Sora thought. Now Roxas was giving him a push. Everyone was trying to get the two of you guys together. Riku and Kairi have been doing that for years. Riku would joke with him and Kairi would try to get him to write ____ some poems. Even Donald and Goofy tried to ditch you at times on purpose just so you guys could be alone. It got to the point where he was begging for his friends to stop. Now Roxas was trying to ask her out for him. "Yeah I do like ice cream...but are you okay Sora?" You said frowning. Sora has been acting so weird ever since you started this journey with him. Like when you came out of the room in your new outfit he didn't say anything. "Maybe it's me. Did I do something that made Sora upset with me?"  You thought. No that couldn't be it. Sora was always so kind to you. He liked having you around and when you were in battle with him he always made sure that you were safe. So that couldn't be it. You were puzzled about when exactly was he started to act strange. And why did he act so strange? "I'm fine." Sora said. You came closer to him. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Yes. Why do you ask?" Sora said sitting on the tree. You sat down next to him. "It's just ever since we started this journey you've been acting different. I can't help but to worry about you Sora." You said frowning. He thought for a little bit before saying. "I'm sorry. It's just someone in my life has changed so much. That my feelings changed about them." He looked down. His love for you grew in the past year. He began to think about you in a different way. You tried to think about who exactly he was talking about. It had to be Kairi. She was the only one that really changed. She was very good in battle. Plus you could tell whenever he was with Kairi he would always act all nervous. "Does someone have a crush?" You said teasing him. "I guess that I do." Sora said not looking at you. You got up. "Then why are you sitting here? Tell her! When two people belong together they have to admit their feelings about one another. It's destiny!" You said frowning. "I didn't know that you felt that way." Sora smiled. Only his smile disappeared when you said. "Go to Kairi then! She's right there." You looked at Kairi. She was on the beach looking for seashells. What was he supposed to say to you? That she wasn't his crush. Kairi was only a friend to him and nothing more. "You can't just sit here anymore." You said pushing him towards Kairi. "____!" Sora said turning to you. "What?! You can't hide from your true love." You said. "I know that." "Then why don't you tell her Sora?!" You were getting sick of this. "Because I can't! She's so beautiful,strong and a whole lot more! I just can't find the right words to say..." He said frowning. You didn't want to tell him what to do anymore. He had to tell her. "I can't help you there. Sorry." You said frowning. He didn't like seeing you so upset. "It's not your fault. Please don't cry." Sora said frowning. You only wanted to help but you created more problems for him. "I'm not crying." You lied because you didn't like him seeing you so weak.

*End of flashback*

He realized one of the reasons why you saved Kairi. Because you loved him. You lost your heart because of him. It was his fault. No! He was going to save you and bring you back home to the realm of light. Because he loved you so much.


Sora saved you and brought you back to the realm of light. You didn't recognize this beautiful place. There was the sea and sky. "Sora!" You said crying and hugging him. He put his arms around you. Sora was so happy that you were back. "I thought that I lost you for good!" He cried holding you close. You could hear his heart beating. This didn't feel right. He was supposed to forget about you and be with Kairi. You were so happy but you didn't understand how he saved you. He stroked your hair. You let him go realizing how he saved you. He was going to disappear from this place because he broke several rules. "I....don't think that you should've saved me Sora. You made a huge mistake." You said frowning. "No I didn't. I made the right decision." Sora said holding your hand. "But I'm not..." You said looking down. "Don't say that! You are everything that I ever wanted. I-I love you ____!" Sora yelled kissing you gently on the lips. He actually did it he said those words to you. You were crying it was like he opened your heart to something that you wanted. You remembered all the times that he was there for you and all the times that he couldn't talk to you because he was too scared of something. That thing was saying those three words to you. "Sora I.....I love you too." You said smiling. "Let's go home. Oh! But first I have somethings to take care of." Sora holding out his hand. "Okay. I'll come with you." You said nodding.

After you helped Namine and went to go check on your friends. You went back to the islands to Sora's house. Sora looked over at you. This was the longest day ever and he wanted it to stay that way. Just being with you made him happy. "Here you go! One special ice cream for my dearest ____." Sora said putting some toppings on it. "It's so cute. But it's missing something." You said frowning. You put some paopu fruit in it. "Huh?" He asked looking at it. He was surprised that you did that. "I want to always be with you Sora. Please let's share this ice cream."  You said pushing the dish over so he could reach it. He was surprised at first but he really wanted your destines to be intertwined. He nodded and smiled. "I really want that too." He smiled. He took his spoon and put some ice cream on it. You did the same thing with yours. He gave you a spoon full of ice cream. "It's really good." You said smiling as you gave him some ice cream. "You weren't kidding _____. It's delicious." Sora said looking at you. After you finished your ice cream you went to the Sweetheart cafe for lunch. It was all decorated for the grand opening. Sora looked down at his hand. He didn't have that much time left. "Sora are you going to eat your lunch?" You asked. "Oh yeah!" Sora said starting to eat some of his sandwich. "I'm so spoiled." You said before eating your lunch. "Why do you say that?" Sora asked you. "Well I have the most amazing boyfriend,good friends and delicious food! I couldn't be more happier!" You said smiling. "Then I guess I'm spoiled too. I've got you! Hey after lunch do you want to go to the island? Everyone will be there." Sora said smiling. He wanted to watch the sunset with you one last time. "Sounds like fun. Count me in!" You said before drinking some of your hot cocoa.

"Sora what's wrong?" You asked frowning. He held your hand as you watched the sunset. "I'm sorry. It has to end this way ____." He sighed. He knew that any minute he was going to disappear. "What do you mean?" You asked tearing up. Your heart knew what was happening but your mind didn't. "I broke some rules. But it was worth it.....because I got to see you again." Sora said looking deep into your eyes. He dried your tears. "So it's my fault?" You asked. "No it isn't. Please don't think that." He said. "So what's going to happen to you?!" You said trying to hold back your tears. You just got Sora back and you were going to lose him again. "Don't worry about me my love. I'll always find my way back home to you." Sora said coming closer to you. You felt his warm lips touch yours only for a little bit because he disappeared. You looked down and cried. He was gone. You could still feel his heart around you. Telling you not to cry but to smile for him. "I'll find you Sora." You said.

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