Their Favourite Seasons

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Heads up to American readers, I am British so Fall translates to Autumn here 😁

Jade: winter. She can hide Tori's body under the snow. Just don't ask her why she made a huge realistic snowman in the middle of the street - I'm sure nobody wants to know that she watches it all the time to test if people's morals of destruction are the same.

Beck: winter, because it's Christmas and so he can go visit his friends and family in Canada - not to mention being extra happy to everyone and giving his bestest friends presents!

Tori: summer, so she can go abroad and get a tan and eat a load of ice cream whilst Trina amuses herself screaming at the staff about how coconut ice cream isn't on the menu.

André: autumn. He likes going back to school to learn about and make music, and he loves the sound of leaves crunching underneath his feet. It sounds like a tiny symphony marking the new season, which he finds fun to create with his feet.

Cat: spring, for all the pretty animals and Easter egg hunts. Beck takes extra special care to hide carefully painted eggs everywhere in her garden on Easter Sunday, and Robbie helps her find them using his own little egg basket with a pink satin bow tied round the handle just for her.

Robbie: winter - he finally has an excuse to be logically cold all the time. Seriously, even on the hottest summer day he could be chilly, which is why he loves winter when you can wear any number of layers and not be judged.

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