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Damn guys, 15K! I love you all so much and I love that you love my writing - it's kinda my escape from the world if you know what I mean 😁 Anyway, this chapter is about shopping! Hope you enjoy, and if you want any requests done just comment here! 🥰

Tori: going shopping with Tori is an excruciating task, but as everybody denies going with her because it's excruciating, you as her only tolerating sister has to be dragged off to the mall. You roll your eyes as she drifts round each rail mindlessly and picks out hideously-coloured outfits to try on and tosses them onto a huge pile you are somehow balancing on your arm. Every time she yells about how cute this top or that skirt is you die a little inside, and wish you were anywhere else - like Niagara Falls, or that beach near Venice, you forget its name...

Robbie: at five months into dating, Robbie is used to you dragging him into a store you see. He doesn't mind - normally it's a trinket store instead of a clothing store so he can look round with interest himself - but this time you turn a corner and stop Robbie dead in his tracks. He asks you what's wrong, and he follows your finger as you point to a new store... supplying nerd stuff! He gasps and completely forgets you're there as he runs to the store and slips inside; you skip after him and when you get inside the store you laugh at the sight of your boyfriend rushing from rack to rack collecting armfuls of films and collectors items with the same look as a child gets in a candy store - in fact, this is Robbie's candy store. You smirk: you have a feeling he'll be dragging you into this store for five months or so to come...

André: one day you get a phone call from André, who sounds extremely panicky. You ask what's up and he yells down the phone loud enough for the old woman in the apartment below can hear that you need to help him buy birdseed immediately. You agree, a little bewildered, and you almost instantly hear a knock at the door. You hang up and open the door to be quickly yanked outside by André and pushed unceremoniously into his car with your protest and his cries of desperation. You ride along with him in silence, you staring at him driving with an iron grip sweating visibly, until you get to a 24-hour pet store and he rushes in without a moment's hesitation, pulling you inside with him. He shouts at you to pick up specific brands of birdseed and types of chew toys for some reason, and you are confused but pick them up anyway and bring them to the counter. André suddenly appears at the counter beside you, making you jump in fright, and says hurriedly that you and the clerk need to bag everything up quickly as he pays for the hefty sum. He grabs one of the bags and shouts at you to grab the other. You do, and he pushes you toward his car and starts to drive towards a park near his house. You both get out of the car and he yells at you to drag everything into the grass. You do so and bump into him calling in the night for his grandmother's bird. You roll your eyes and punch his shoulder, and he jumps back and rubs his shoulder wincing. You can't believe he made you get out of bed and run to the store and buy weird pet stuff and rush out to the middle of the park to call for his parrot he can't keep a hold on for the third time this month!

Cat: Cat doesn't go shopping. As your sister who is considerably more sane than either of your two siblings, you are the designated shopper for clothing and food when your parents are off searching for new medicines or on one of their hikes across Maine. Because of your undying vision that both your brother and your sister are adorable little kids, you unconsciously buy both of them bright children's clothes and baby toys, which may contribute just slightly to their behaviours and interests.

Beck: (set just before the Breakfast Bunch episode) Beck hangs over your door and asks you if you want to come shopping with him. You ask him why, curious as to why he was coming inside the house instead of calling you inside his caravan, and he replies quietly that he's about to go to detention for the first time tomorrow and he wants to fit in. Immediately concerned for your kind and harmless baby brother you stand up and hug him, asking what happened. He shrugs you off gently and explains that his friend from school Robbie made him and his friends late for class, and you coo and hug him tighter. He wriggles a little, a sign from childhood that he's uncomfortable, and you reluctantly let him go and pat him on the back. As you pull him outside to your car you watch him smile sadly and hang his head, and you feel so much for him - he always hated getting in trouble as a kid, especially when it was to save somebody else's skin. You sometimes wish your brother was more selfish, so he could see that his stuff is more important than others'.

Jade: it's fucking awesome shopping with Jade: she knows your clothing size just by looking at you, a spectacular little-known gift she has, and she can tell your favourite taste in style by hanging round with you twenty hours tops. Every time you shop with her she always picks up the coolest stuff that's exactly your taste and you marvel at how well Jade secretly knows people without telling them how, and sometimes you think she deserves people to know how well she knows them. Perhaps they'll see her as less of a horrible person and more how you see her - a beautiful and serene individual...

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