45 | noah

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Considering Wells was in charge of planning the bachelor's party, I shouldn't be surprised that the venue he chose is an arcade

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Considering Wells was in charge of planning the bachelor's party, I shouldn't be surprised that the venue he chose is an arcade. Specifically an arcade known for their game of laser tag.

Before we suit up and start the game, Wells informs us that the only rule he has is that we all have to down three shots of fireball, as apparently laser tag is more fun when you're drunk. I watch as the others willingly agree to this rule, tilting their heads back as they swallow the distasteful liquid.

Unwilling to break my path to sobriety, I merely toss my head back and allow the alcohol to trickle into the trashcan I'm standing next to. With that, we all grab out laser guns and head into the darkness for a round of the game, each player serving as their own team.

From the moment the game starts I'm certain that I will win. Not because I consider myself to be some sort of superior laser tag-playing god, but because the rest of the boys are tipsy and damn sure acting like it.

I find Wells first, as he's running around without bothering to hide, giggling like a school girl with a crush. I aim my gun at his vest, my laser hitting him square in the chest. Wells' bubbly demeanor disappears immediately as his gaze drops to my laser beam pointed at him, freezing in place.

"Dammit!" Wells cries, dropping his gun to the floor. "I was really hoping I wouldn't be the first out this time!"

I chuckle as I wander back into the shadows, calling to him, "See you on the flip side!"

I think to myself that Wells should be glad I found him before Asher, as I get the feeling Asher wouldn't go so easy on him. Wells hasn't made his flirting with Emmie so subtle lately, and Asher's history with the girl is clearly still a fresh wound to him.

I find Jay next, though on accident. I wouldn't have spotted him if I'd been in a hurry, and his presence startles me so much I almost scream. Sitting in the corner, quietly munching on some cashews, is Jay. Only the gleam of his eyes is visible because of the spot he's chosen to hide in.

"Jay?" I question, beginning to wonder if it's really him or an abnormally large squirrel. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Shh!" Jay hisses. His gaze skirts back and forth through the hallway, as if trying to make sure the coast is clear. "I thought I would sit this one out," he admits in a whisper. "The last time I played laser tag with Thorne . . ." Jay trails off, shuddering as if he can hardly bear to look back on the memory. "I'm safer here," he mumbles, popping another cashew into his mouth.

"Okay." I draw out the word as I study Jay with curiosity. Aiming my gun at his chest, I say, "you know I can't spare you now, right?"

Jay lowers his head in shame, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "Do what you have to do," he murmurs, "just do it quickly."

My laser hits his chest, signifying the end of the road for Jay. He rises to his feet slowly, bag of cashews in hand as he heads for the exit. "Guess I'll go join Wells," he mutters.

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