14 | blake

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Nowadays, the amount of time I get to spend with my older sister is often very small

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Nowadays, the amount of time I get to spend with my older sister is often very small.

I understand that we're both busy with school and other activities—especially Brooke, considering she graduates this year—though this isn't the only obstacle that gets in the way of us being able to see each other.

It hurts to think that the bond Brooke and I used to share is now fading. It seems that every time we make our way back to each other, something gets in the way of us being able to reunite. Just when I think we've finally reached a point where nothing can break us apart, the strings of our relationship come loose all over again. It doesn't help matters that the two of us have very different personalities and don't always see eye-to-eye. Nevertheless, Brooke will always be one of the most important people in my life. I looked up to her growing up, and I think part of me always will.

I'm supposed to be giving Brooke a ride to our parents house, as a friend of hers is borrowing her car. We haven't hung out alone in a while, so I'm looking forward to the time I'll get with her, even if it's only a car ride together.

I spot Brooke walking toward where I'm parked outside of her apartment, so I snap out of my head and return to the present. I wave at her through the windshield, and Brooke offers me a grin and small wave in response. Brooke opens the passenger-side door and slides into the seat next to me, turning to face me with a smile.

"Hey!" Brooke exclaims brightly. "Thanks for the ride. I know it was last minute."

"It's no problem," I assure her as I back out of the parking lot.

A moment of awkward silence spans between the two of us. It's almost like neither of us know what to say to the other, which breaks my heart in a way. Brooke is my sister. Why do we constantly find ourselves stuck in this place between being family and strangers all at once?

"I wish things were different," Brooke murmurs out of nowhere, seemingly reading my mind. She doesn't look my way as she says the words. Instead, she glances out of the window, expression stony.

"What do you mean?" I question, though I have a feeling I already know what Brooke is getting at.

"I feel like I never see you anymore," Brooke admits. "I mean, I get we're both busy with school and everything, but it sucks. You're my sister, Blake. I feel like I hardly know anything about what goes on in your life now."

Brooke's words bring along a serious case of déjà  vu. It feels like it was only yesterday she had said something similar along those lines to me. It takes me back to three years ago, around the time I was dealing with being sexually assaulted by an ex-boyfriend of mine, Mason Chase.

"It is weird, isn't it?" I agree. "I mean, we're sisters. Yet I have no idea what you even did last week."

Glancing over at Brooke, I find that she is looking down at her hands, her expression sad and somewhat guilty.

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