Monster Mansion (Part 2)

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Soooo spoilers (I'm sorry-) The setting for Queen was inspired by Little Nightmares, a game I really like, so it's similar. I'm so excited for Little Nightmares II reeeeeeeee-




Joker was surprised at how moldy it was in this room. Lighting up the oil lamp, this room was similar to the other ones he was in before. Broken teacups, windowless, torn pieces of paper. If a family lived here, they were quite odd.

The sound of glass shattering caught his attention. He had his hand in his breast pocket, ready to whip out his ammo. But he knew he wouldn't be able to defeat it alone. Both he and Queen had seen its size and those unnatural bulky human-like arms. He wouldn't really admit it, but he was trembling. Who wouldn't if they saw a mud -caterpillar monster? He had to hide. There wasn't any hiding spot. He backed against a wall as he heard the sound of thumping and creaking floorboards. Before he could figure an escape plan, he felt his other hand trigger a switch and fell backwards, sliding down the wall and a metal tube. He tried his best not to scream despite the slide's similarity to the one in his airship.

He landed on the floor with a thud. Rubbing his behind and looking around, he found himself in another similar-looking room with flowery green wallpaper instead of painted green. Looks like this mansion has secret rooms. But why? To hide the monster's information? He scanned and felt the walls for anymore secret switches. He looked over and found his friend standing by the doorway, panting.

"You okay? Were you chased?", he asked as he walked up to her and checked outside the door frame. He suddenly had an uneasy feeling, and he moved out of the way instinctively, just in time as the blonde sliced the wall.

"Whoa!", he yelled, shocked. He ran to the corner of the room, luring the fake blonde towards him. At that moment, he darted towards the center and lit up the oil lamp, throwing it at the fake. It snarled and screeched as the phantom thief backed away from the burning beast.


Queen looked around. This was different from the other rooms they've explored. Most of them were old and fancy while this was all wooden. It looked like a storage room. Was that why there were wooden doors? Did the other door lead to a storage-like room too?

A squelch snapped her out of her thoughts. She felt the walls and located the oil lamp, lighting it. She pinched her nose in disgust at the sight; there were black slugs crawling all over. Some twisted around old supplies and some laid dead and dried up on the ground. Not surprising since this was an old ground. She almost screamed when one landed on her as she realized they were blood-sucking leeches.

"Get off me!", she whisper-yelled, shrugging it off her back and tried to keep her voice down to avoid attracting the monster. She held her breath, avoided stepping on them and realized there were unusually larger ones hanging from the ceiling. They looked like snakes about to coil on its prey. Queen shuddered, ducking and slipping past them.

Her scabbard knocked over one, and that leech must've been hungry. It squealed and twisted around her scabbard as the phantom thief shook it off. More and more leeches started crawling towards her, leaving behind wet trails. She tried to find an exit as the larger and longer ones above started to fall down and follow the others. She unsheathed her sword and started slicing some, splitting them temporarily before becoming double the amount.

It's impossible for them to heal that quickly and form again. Was it the beast's infants or something? Her question was answered when she accidentally stepped on something that made a sound like a sickening crunch. She looked down and was horrified at the slugs feeding on a carcass with their sharp tiny teeth. Thin shells surrounded the bones, meaning the beast was the mother of these creatures. Also meaning the beast was half leech.

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