Amy's Now Part Of The What If-

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So I found out I wrote part 2 of the third "What If-" since I didn't want Queen to die like that-

So enJoY my OC's moMent-

"I'm here! I'm sorry I took so long!", a pink-haired teen appeared from behind the scene. "Had to use......lots", she wheezed, trying to catch her breath. When she realised it was so quiet, she was greeted with the most horrific sight she could ever imagine, even worse than monsters; the sight of losing someone you care about.

She screamed.

Hachi and Spade glanced over in surprise as she ran towards the phantom thief, "What happened? How did- is she- is she-"

"She's gone.........", Amy felt her heart stop. She felt like she was falling through a never-ending hole of misery and anger. The person she cared for an admired as much as she loved her siblings was.......gone.

"Amy?", Joker looked at her as her knees gave way. "We're Miracle Makers, remember?", she yelled, tears flowing down her cheeks. "We can make a miracle happen!", she protested despite witnessing the obvious blood.

"I can help her! As long as her heart beats, as long as her heart wasn't injured. It wouldn't be bringing her back from the dead, as long as her heart is okay, uninjured, as long as it's not her heart."

Joker's eyes were filled with hope as soon as she said with determination, "I can heal."

"She wasn't shot in the heart. It's weak, but still strong enough", the phantom thief let go and let his friend take over.

"Even if her heart stops, her brain is still preserved, she can still live. Her other lung is still working. If there's still oxygen in her brain, there's a chance she'll still live"(Footure me: I really don't know if this is true-), Amy took a deep breath and mumbled, "You can do this, Amy. For your friend."

Pressing her hands gently on the blonde's chest, a bright pink light glowed as the wound slowly sealed itself, restoring her energy. Amy wiped of the blood on Queen's mouth, gazing at her with high hopes. The blonde was still unconcious, not making a single movement. A gigantic wave of relief washed over her and Joker as her eyes fluttered open and she mumbled, "あれ?( Arè Huh?)"

"I'm alive?", she cried in shock, surprise and disbelief, looking down at her chest while Spade almost passed out in relief and Hachi was crying with joy.

"Oh thank goodness!", Amy laid back in exhaustion having used up most of her energy. As long as her friend was all right, she didn't care about her tiredness.

"And you're holding me.....", Queen glanced over the surprised Joker.

"Eh?", realization overcame the pink-haired teen and the miracle maker.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!", Queen gave him a huge kick in the face.

"Ahem......don't deny it......I know that look", Amy teased as she healed Joker's burning and swollen cheek, motioning at the blushing blonde. Joker narrowed his eyes at the teen with a mix between a blank look and a defeated expression, but she knew what he was thinking.

"Hey, Queen", Joker called.

"Y-yeah?", Queen's arms were still folded, until she saw what the phantom thief was holding.

"Thanks for saving me", he smiled, handing her the beautiful diamond necklace her grandfather gave on her birthday. It must've fallen off when she was shot, and she smiled pleasantly having it secured on her neck.

"Thank you", she gazed at it, and she was not expecting Joker to give her a soft peck on the cheek, "You're welcome."

Amy's eyes shone while she covered Hachi's eyes. (He knew anyway) Spade shook his head and had his hand over his forehead, smiling in embarrassment, "I think I'm going to have a fever again."

Amy was on cloud nine as a smiling Joker held a flustered Queen's hand. Her ship has finally sailed successfully.

Hahaha I have no idea what I was thinking back then I apologize sksksksksk-

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