What If- (2)

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So um this is another old one-shot of mine so I'm still apologize if this sUcKs as WeLl-

(Cuz I didn't alter much of it so me sorry-)

(I'm so sorry I forgot to put this earlier)

WARNING: Mentions of abuse

What if Queen died-

Joker wasn't sure what he was seeing. Oh wait, he does. Basically darkness. He was unsure whether he made the right decision of coming here, and that's saying something since he wouldn't think twice about his actions.

'The note said she would be here.....but where is she?', Joker thought to himself, glancing around the area. He couldn't believe it's been a year Queen's gone missing. Master isn't taking it too well and he's been wrecking every single possible villains' hideout to find her. She had went on a heist and then she just......disappeared. Not a single word was heard from her.

He blinked, then squinted. There was a dim light in front. His eyes widened as soon as he saw what it was, or who it was. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Her head was lowered. Her arms were in chains and her clothes were battered, even her hair.

"Queen!", he exclaimed. Before he could even take a step foward, a voice announced, clapping, "I'm glad you showed up. She was the perfect bait after all."

'Bait?', Joker clenched his jaw. This guy captured Queen just to lure him here? Amy would be furious and would wreck this whole place if she were here, but he was already angry enough.

"Did you do this to her?", Joker yelled in anger, whipping out his cards.

A tall, proud man stood out of the darkness and smirked, "Well, I don't really think she minds it. Or this", he snapped his fingers, and a small, sharp arrow-like dart landed on Queen's arm.

Joker's eyes went wide, "That's a-"

"That's right", the man laughed. "A poison dart."

"Why are you doing this? She's done nothing wrong!", he yelled.

"Oh yes, I love it when they're angry", the villain reclined near Queen and had a smug smile on his face. "I especially love torturing you two. Once the blood is out", he patted her head, "she's gone", his tone shifted to a dark and cruel manner. As if on cue, she spat out some blood.

"No, wait!", Joker cried out desperately. "Queen!", he reached out towards her as the chains let her go and she fell to the ground.

"Hey, wake up!", he tried to lift her, but suddenly, she dissipated into a million flashing lights. "What the-"

"Ha! Can't believe you fell for it!", the man laughed. He felt like embedding his cards onto the villain's head.

"This is the real one", a spotlight was shone onto another girl with the same battered blonde hair and clothes, her head was still lowered down. "Say hi to your visitor."

"Q-Queen?", the phantom thief took a step foward, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Slowly, she lifted her head weakly, the same diamond eyes looked up at him, "Joker?". She had a black eye on her left, her cheeks had scars and there was blood trickling from her mouth. Her eyes were red from crying.

"What did you do to her?!", Joker was ready to throw his cards when the man laughed darkly, "Oh, I didn't do anything."

Queen glanced at the villain, tears pricking her eyes when he said, "All I did was have fun with her."

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