11. The guy with the half face

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"Chien Na Wei is your sister!?"

We just got out of the elevator. I knew Sara was gonna ask this.

"Adoptive sister." I correct her.

"You work with her?"

Robin Hood 2.0 and Grim Reaper are walking ahead and not paying attention, so what's the point in lying. "I did. Zhishan trained the both of us to become assassins."

She just keeps looking at me, but not how I suspected her to look. It's like she's sorry for me.

I continue: "But we were different. She was born to be an assassin and a member of the Triad, I wasn't. It was too much darkness for me, too much killing. I usually don't mind the killing, but when it became my main purpose... it wasn't 'okay' anymore. So I left and I went back to my brother."

She takes my hand and smiles. "I knew there was good in you somewhere."

I don't know what to say to that, since it's not true. I'm a bad person. That's just who I am. But I don't want to say it, so I just smile back. "We should get going."

We follow Reaper and Robin Hood inside the warehouse. Reaper is trying to be polite: "Thank you for agreeing to accompany us, Mr. Diggle."

'Mr. Diggle' does not like to be called Mr. Diggle. "It's Connor." I'm trying very hard not to roll my eyes and sigh in annoyance.

"It's not like I needed to stick around Oliver Queen for anything." He says.

Then we split up. I go with the Connor kid, Sara goes with Grim Reaper.

We look in silence for a while, but then Robin Hood 2.0 just has to speak up. "My father told me about you, Lotus. But he didn't tell me that you could turn invisible."

I'm trying to remember who his father is. He said his name was John Diggle, I recognise the name but I'm not sure from where. "I don't know your father." I simply say.

"Seriously? You've fought him like three times!"

Then I remeber him. "The bodyguard! The guy that helped the Arrow."

"I've only fought him two times, and I didn't kill him." I defend myself.

He looks angry, but focuses on the mission. Good.

We look around for a while, but there's no sign of what we're looking for. Then, of course, there's an explosion. The guys in black are back. And they brought back up.

I turn invisible and attack. The Connor kid joins in on the fight. Later on, Sara and Reaper run in too. I stab a couple of them in the legs or the stomach. But then one of them manages to grab me and to take my knife. I try to wiggle out of his grib, but he's too strong. Then I hold my hand up, my knife tries to fly over, but the guy's hold on the knife is too stong as well.

"There's too many of them!" I hear Connor kid shout. He's right.

I turn visible so the others can see I'm in trouble. Sara sees and throws a knife in the guy's shoulder. Not even an inch away from me.

He lets go, so I knock him out and take my knife back. Then I hear motorcycles coming in. I turn around to see my brother and Lenny joining the fight.

"Gentlemen, your timing is exemplary." Grim Reaper praises, while they shoot a couple of the guys with there guns. I stab a man that's about to shoot Lenny, not bothering to turn invisible since this just became an easy fight.

After we took them all out, I realise something. "Where's the Connor kid?"

Grim Reaper dramatically picks up a bow and says: "He's been taken."

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