Chapter 11

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After spending the day with their families they knew they had to go back. Jack stood holding Caroline’s hand. “Take care Buttons, please.”

She smiled. “I will Dad.”

He kissed her cheek. Jackie was hugging the grandchildren. She was crying. “I love you all.”

Rose wiped her eyes. “Take care Gran.”

They went over to the time machine. Jack felt he was crumbling. A part of him didn’t want to leave. He watched as Bobby said good bye to his breed of children. Jack’s arm slipped around Jackie. “I want to start trying for another kid when we get back.”

She looked at him. “Okay, but I don’t want more than six.”

He laughed. “That’s fine by me.”

Before they left they took a photo. “Thank you for your kind hospitality Mr. President, Mrs. Obama.” Jack said.

They smiled. “Take care.”

Jack nodded and with that Bobby hit the time machine for 1962. Everything went black.


Jack groaned as he looked up. It was dark out. “Jackie?” He whispered.

“Jack?” She asked sitting up. He embraced her tightly. “We’re home.” He whispered. Suddenly they heard Bobby and Ethel.

“You can sleep in the Lincoln bedroom tonight.”

Ethel nodded. “Thank you.”

Even though they’d been away a week they arrived back on the same night they’d left. “Time must have frozen.” Bobby mumbled.

“Yeah, I guess.”

Jack was overcome with tiredness again and was heading straight to his bedroom. Jackie followed him.

“Ethel?” Bobby said.


“I wonder how this time machine got here.” He pondered.

“Well what if another President invented it so if he screwed up they could go back in time and fix it.”

Bobby smirked. “What so if the atomic bombs had failed Truman could go back and fix it?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

He laughed. “You’re tired. Come on lets go to bed.” He said putting an arm around her.

Jack had just got to his room when Kenny saw him. “Mr. President?”

“NO!” Jack yelled. “I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.” He slammed the door shut and crawled into bed. Jackie giggled. “Did you bring the history book back?”

“Yeah, Obama gave it to me.”

She nodded. “Well it’s our goal to change the future.”

“Yes. The secrets of the future.”

She smiled. “Night.”

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