Chapter 3

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Bobby and Ethel were sitting with Rory; she was updating them on the family. Jack was with Jackie on the other sofa. Jackie was leaning against him. The Obama’s watched slightly stunned.

“So why did Ethel and I stop at eleven children?” Bobby asked. At that the room fell silent. Rory looked at Caroline and then back at her father and then her Uncle Jack. “We have to tell you something.” Caroline said standing up. “And it will not be easy to hear.”

Rory got up beside her. “On the 22nd November 1963, while riding in Dallas, a man named Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed John F Kennedy.” Caroline said quickly. She couldn’t look at her parents. “And in June 1968, while campaigning for President Senator Robert F Kennedy was assassinated, while Ethel is pregnant with their eleventh child Rory.”

Jackie sat staring in shock. Ethel was hugging Bobby. Jack was silent. Caroline looked round the stunned room. She saw her mother getting up and running out quickly. She looked so much younger and happy, she had light in her eyes not like after 1963. Jack looked after her but he couldn’t move. “I’ll go.” Michelle said all of a sudden.

Jackie was standing on the Truman Balcony sobbing into her hands. “Mrs. Kennedy?”

Jackie looked up. “Oh, Mrs Obama….” She said trying to dry her eyes; the mascara was streaked down her face.

“Call me Michelle,” She said putting an arm around the former First Lady. “Jackie, just think, now you know what was going to happen you can change it.”

Jackie turned and looked at her. She had never thought of that. “You…you’re right.”

Michelle hugged her. “Why don’t we get you and President Kennedy settled in a room, I think he wants to talk to you.”

“Oh, thank you.” She replied composing herself.

After showing Jackie to a guest room she went to attend to Bobby and Ethel. Rory and Caroline fell asleep on the sofas.

“Kid?” Jack asked closing the door.

“Bunny!” She exclaimed rushing into his arms. She kissed his face over and over again. “Don’t die on me.”

“I won’t ever.” He whispered with tears rolling down his cheeks.

She rubbed his back. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He had never said it and meant it as much in his life.

In the living room Caroline looked at Rory. She just hoped for Rory’s sake that with learning all this information, that when they went back to their time they would prevent the assassinations. She fell asleep having the comfort her father was in the next room.

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