Chapter 6

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“Oh Jack.” Jackie smiled stroking his cheek. He blushed. “I’m going for a bath.”

“Ok.” She smiled.

After a while someone knocked on the door. Jackie got up and pulled the sheet around her before opening the door. “Oh…” Jackie blushed.

Caroline looked away. “You have a visitor.”

“Let me dress.”

Jackie closed the door and pulled a black shift dress on. She quickly fixed her hair and opened the door. “Mr. Hill.” She gasped as he stood in front of her. He looked so much older.

“Mrs. Kennedy.” He smiled.

She hugged him.

Clint let a tear escape his eye. “I’m so glad you can change what will happen.”

Jackie took his hand. “Clint, I know what you did that day, I saw the video. Thank you. You tried that’s all that matters to me.”

He turned away in tears.

Jack appeared in a robe. He looked at the white haired man, he looked familiar. “Clint!” Jack exclaimed. “You’re old…”

Clint laughed. “Well it is 2015, Sir.”

Jack shook his hand. “Thank you for what you did. I’m glad one of my agents did their job that day.”

Clint blushed with pride. “Have you met your grandchildren?”

“Grandchildren?!” Jack exclaimed.

Caroline laughed. “I forgot to tell you.”

Jack and Jackie glanced at each other, feeling happy. Suddenly Bobby rushed in. “Excuse us all, hi Clint, but I need to speak to Jack, ok, thanks.” He said shoving Jack into a room and locking the door.

Jack looked stunned. “What was that about?”

“We have a huge problem.” Bobby exclaimed. His eyes were wide.

“What is it?”

“They know you weren’t faithful and about Marilyn Monroe and they think we were involved in her death.”

Jack swallowed. “What Marilyn dies?”

“And we have to do a press conference, we’ll get asked about it!”

“Wait Bobby…. Marilyn dies?”

“Yeah…. In August 1962, next month when we go back.”


“We can prevent it and save out image.” Bobby said.

Jack nodded he was little shocked. “I’m sorry about Michael and David.”

Bobby nodded. “Thanks.” Before he said anything else Jack embraced him. “I love you.”

“I love you too Jack.”

They pulled back and looked at each other. “No one needs to know about this little moment.” Jack said.

Bobby laughed. “Agreed.”

When Jack walked into the hall Jackie was with Caroline. Jack hugged them. “So when do I get to meet my grandkids?” He smirked.

“Soon, tonight if you want, the press conference will be tomorrow.”

Jack nodded he went into his room and shut the door. He sat on the bed and began to sob. This was too much.

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